Technical Reports


Galaxies Science Collaboration Photo-z letter of recommendation (S. Schmidt et al.)

This letter of recommendation summarizes the needs of the Galaxies Science Collaboration from Rubin Observatory-provided photo-z data products.

Exploration of the effect of pipeline sky subtraction on low-surface-brightness science (A. Watkins et al.)

This report uses injections of mock images into the Rubin pipeline to quantify the effect of sky subtraction on the detection and characterisation of low-surface-brightness structure (e.g. dwarf galaxies, intra-cluster light and faint tidal features). This work is part of the LSST:UK in-kind work package 'Low-surface-brightness science using LSST'.

Input into survey cadence from the Galaxies Science Collaboration (H. Ferguson et al.)

This document summarizes the LSST GSC's responses to the questions posed to the community regarding LSST's cadence strategy.


Input into commissioning surveys from the Galaxies Science Collaboration (B. Holwerda et al.)

This document collates ideas from members of the LSST GSC on potential locations and depths of commissioning fields that would be most advantageous to its infrastructure effort.