Publications: Low-surface-brightness Galaxies and Structures


The origin of low-surface-brightness galaxies in the dwarf regime, Jackson et al. 2020, arXiv:200706581

The role of mergers and fly-bys in driving the evolution of dwarf galaxies over cosmic time, Martin et al. 2020, arXiv:200707913


The formation and evolution of low-surface-brightness galaxies, Martin et al. 2019, MNRAS, 485, 796

Identification of low surface brightness tidal features in galaxies using convolutional neural networks, Walmsley et al. 2019, MNRAS, 483, 2968


The IAC Stripe 82 Legacy Project: a wide-area survey for faint surface brightness astronomy, Fliri & Trujillo 2016, MNRAS, 456, 1359


Direct detection of galaxy stellar halos: NGC 3957 as a test case, Jablonka et al. 2010, A&A, 513, 78