Publications: Detection and Deblending


The Sloan Digital Sky Survey extended point spread functions, Infante-Sainz et al. 2020, MNRAS, 491, 5317

Processing GOTO data with the Rubin Observatory LSST Science Pipelines I : Production of coadded frames, Mullaney et al. 2020, PASA accepted, arXiv:2010.15142


The missing light of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field, Borlaff et al. 2019, A&A, 621, 133


Beyond 31 mag arcsec-2: The Frontier of Low Surface Brightness Imaging with the Largest Optical Telescopes, Trujillo & Fliri 2016, ApJ, 823, 123


Noise-based Detection and Segmentation of Nebulous Objects, Akhlaghi & Ichikawa 2015, ApJS 220, 1