Workshop "How to write a review in English"

10:00-12:15 (Sat) December 3rd, 2022 [Online (Zoom), no registration fee]

(the end time may vary depending on the number of accepted proposals) [日本語の詳細はこちら]

Workshop Overview

  • 10:00-12:15 (Sat) December 3, 2022

  • Online (Zoom)

  • No registration fee

Participation Form

  • Please submit a participation form. The form will be open until (Sat) December 3, 2022.

  • We would like to know in advance how many people may attend the event. If you plan to join the event please submit the participation form by Nov. 30th (we will accept participation until Dec. 3).

  • If the participant number reaches 300, the participation form will be disabled.

  • Hosted by 科研費研究成果公開促進費(国際情報発信強化)「Eジャーナルの刊行と国際研究ネットワークの強化による研究成果の国際発信」プロジェクト

  • Co-sponsored by 東京大学総合文化研究科言語情報科学専攻

  • Planned by 日本言語学会国際発信力強化小委員会


  • 10:00-10:10

    • Opening:Prof. Naoki Fukui 福井直樹 (LSJ President, Sophia University)

    • Introduction:Prof. Hajime Ono (企画小委員会委員, (企画小委員会委員・Tsuda University)

  • 10:10-10:40

    • Tutorial "How to write a review in English" Assoc. Prof. Christopher Davis (University of the Ryukyus) [web]

  • 10:40-10:45:Break

  • 10:45-11:15

    • Tutorial #1:Review writer, 笠作記史氏

      • Reviewed ArticleAnsaldo, U., Bisang, W., & Szeto, P. Y. (2018). Grammaticalization in isolating languages and the notion of complexity. In Narrog, H. & Heine B. (Eds). Grammaticalization from a typological perspective (pp.219-234). Oxford University Press.

  • 11:15-11:45

    • Tutorial #2:Review writer, 小川雅貴氏

    • Reviewed Article:Paolazzi, C., Grillo, N., & Santi, A. (2021). The source of passive sentence difficulty: Task effects and predicate semantics, not argument order. In Grohmann, K., Matsuya, A., & Remberger, E.-M. (Eds). Passives cross-linguistically (pp.359-393). Brill.

  • 11:45-12:15:General Discussion; Q&A

Call for Application

Information for participants without a proposal

will be announced at a later date.

  • Requirements

    • LSJ members who paid the 2022 membership fee

    • Consent to be part of the tutorials at this workshop (On the day of the workshop, accepted participants and an instructor will join the Zoom meeting, in which a live streaming will show how correction advice is provided by the instructor)

(1) Name, affiliation

(2) E-mail address

(3) Research topic of the applicant

(4) Bibliographic information of an article to be reviewed

(5) Reasons why the participant chose the article to review

  • If your application is accepted, the following steps are expected before the workshop on December 3rd.

    • Submission of the review (by October 17)

    • Preparatory meeting with the instructor (around late November)

  • Selection Procedure

    • Results will be announced in early September.

    • Accepted participants will receive a template for writing an English review. The length of the review should be about 800 words, and must be submitted by mid October. (The word limit below is a suggestion.)

  1. Reasons for selecting the article (ca. 100 words): what was interesting in the paper?, how does it relate to your own research?

  2. Summary of the article (ca. 250 words): what is the proposal?, what are the arguments?, what evidence is the proposal based on?, how is the conclusion reached?; please write this part while keeping non-readers in mind.

  3. Your thoughts (ca. 300 words): what is your evaluation?, what did you learn from the article?, what could have been done better in the article?, how does it relate to your own research?

  4. Questions (at least two points): what points were not easy to understand (concepts, flow of the arguments)?, what questions would you ask the author?

Note: If we receive more applications than we can accommodate, the subcommittee will make a final decision considering the purpose of the workshop and the balance between subfields in linguistics etc., and not just the quality of the contents of an application.