"Workshop "How to write a review in English" 英文レビュー作成ワークショップ

The Linguistic Society of Japan regularly holds English tutorial workshops to promote English-based submissions to its journal "Gengo Genkyu (言語研究)". In 2022, the topic is how to write a review of previous literature in English. Reviewing literature is one of the important parts when writing a journal paper. Not only should the author understand and introduce the contents of the literature, but also they are expected to explain why the review is necessary and how the literature relates to their own research. In the upcoming workshop, a selected number of participants will write a review in English and will receive comments from an English-speaking instructor. The commentary session will provide tips when writing in English using submitted sample materials by successful applicants.

This workshop is supported by a JSPS grant 科学研究費・研究成果公開促進費(国際情報発信強化) to the Linguistic Society of Japan, and is co-sponsored by Language and Information Sciences at the University of Tokyo.

[For details and link to the Participation form, click here]

Workshop date

  • 10:00–12:15 (Sat) December 3rd, 2022

    • Note: the end time may vary depending on the number of accepted proposals.

  • Type: Online (Zoom or similar platform)

  • No registration fee

  • Instructor:Dr. Christopher Davis (Assoc. Prof, University of the Rykyus)

  • Hosted by 科研費研究成果公開促進費(国際情報発信強化)「Eジャーナルの刊行と国際研究ネットワークの強化による研究成果の国際発信」プロジェクト

  • Co-sponsored by 東京大学総合文化研究科言語情報科学専攻

  • Planned by 日本言語学会国際発信力強化小委員会