LS Lean Consulting

Lean is a continuous improvement methodology which has two key principles:

LS Lean Consulting is an accredited Lean training provider and was formed to provide training and support to small businesses who want to ensure that they continue to be efficient and effective.

With rich experience within the Higher Education sector, we are able to apply these principles in a way that will suit the needs of the client, helping to embed a culture of continuous improvement throughout the organisation

What our customers say about us:

"We received the Introduction to Lean session from Linda on the 5th March 2024. This was a great introduction session to Lean for our library team. Linda covered all the main principles in the appropriate amount of detail for an audience with limited existing knowledge, and illustrated the points with lots of useful and relevant examples from HE settings."

"LS Lean Consulting delivered an excellent introduction to the Lean philosophy. The IALS Library team gained knowledge and new approaches to continue delivering excellent value to our Library community"

 - IALS - Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London.