
Summer Playdates

Snacks at Camp Kindergarten

Popsicles on the Playground

The Back To School Bash

BooHoo/Yahoo Breakfast

Lunchtime Music

Fall Festival

PTA Kentucky Kids'Day

Coffee Conversations

Field Day

Veteran's Day Celebration

Promotion Ceremonies

Sweetest Dance

Turkey Trot

Math Night

Spelling Bee

Staff Support!

Admin Support Fund

Admissions Workshop

Staff Kick Off Meeting

Arts Teachers Program Support Fund

Staff Appreciation Week

Staff Gifts

Teacher Mini Grants

Community Support!

Fund for the Arts

Thunder Over Louisville Parking

Watch D.O.G. Program

Students Support !

New Playground 2019/20

Spring Musical

Black Box Sound Upgrades

ECE Support

Family Resource Assistance

iPad Covers

Reflections Program

Testing Support