New PlaygroundProject 2019/21


Update February 2021- Phase 2

The latest phase (Phase 2) was installed February 2021. JCPS has placed the mulch, so the new playground pieces are now open! Phase 2 consists of a revolution spinner, a three bay swing set with six swings, one of which is an inclusive swing, timbers around all the pieces, including accessible timbers to the inclusive swing! They all match the Phase 1 teal and purple freestyle obstacle course that was installed in 2019 with the 2018 Turkey Trot donations. Phase 2 was funded by the 2019 Turkey Trot donations.

Phase 1: Phase 1 which consists of a freestyle obstacle course with infinity crawlers, agility pods, stepping stones, a timber balance beam, and timbers to surround the whole structure was installed in November of 2019 funded by 2018 Turkey Trot donations.

Original Concept: On the school grounds at Lincoln Elementary, between the building and the parking lot, there is a large grassy area that is currently open, unused space. The Lincoln Elementary PTA held a capitol fundraising campaign over the 2018/19 school year to construct a new playground on this space - our community responded with donations of approximately $30,000!

The PTA then conducted a survey of the LPAS community to see what type of equipment was wanted. A PTA representative then met with John DeMarsh, JCPS grounds coordinator, on July 18, 2019, to look at the space. Mr. DeMarsh recommended three approved vendors that were knowledgeable of JCPS safety procedures and guidelines. After meeting with the suggested vendors, the LPAS PTA, along with a committee of parents and teachers, decided on a playground designed and supplied by the Kentucky-based company Bluegrass Sales and Installation.

The plan, which will be part of an on-going fundraising effort, is to initially install one large piece with the approximate $30,000 as soon as possible, then continue to add more play pieces in the years to come until the project is completed. At this time, we have approval of the large piece - it has been ordered and shipping is scheduled for the week of November 4, 2019, with installation to then occur as soon as possible.

Here is the design of the one large piece (noting specific colors that are subject to change):

Final Project is below, depending on Future Funds Raised: We need Your Help!

This new equipment will provide physical wellness for our students, and though it will be age appropriate for all the students at our school, it is specifically helpful with the fitness needs of our intermediate grades because of the many climbing features. The price of the piece includes edging and installation. We feel that this project will lift the community spirit for everyone to see what they have earned through their fundraising efforts as well as being a beautiful addition to our school. We are so excited for our children!