
  Grad Advising

Undergrad Advising

During the Fall 2023 semester I mentored Eton Tackett, an undergraduate math major at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, in a reading course with me working through a proof of the classification of surfaces using these notes

During summer 2021, Siddhi Krishna and I organized the 6-week REU Braids, Surfaces, and Low-Dimensional Phenomena. The paper produced from this REU has now been published in the Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications!

We advised:

We acknowledge support from NSF grants DMS-1552285 (SK, ML), DMS-1745583 (DG, SK, VN, IT, LW), and DMS-1902729 (ML).

Our REU was completely virtual; this is a photo from our last day together.

We explored 1-bridge braids (an interesting and important class of positive braid knots) and their quantitative properties. This project explicitly determined the braid index of these knots in terms of their defining parameters.

Here is a video of their final presentation along with their (beautiful!) slideshow. It includes the motivation for the project, a summary of their results, and an amazing animation!


Here is their poster presentation from the 2022 (virtual) JMM:

JMM Poster.pdf

Although the summer of 2021 was my first time designing and running my own undergraduate REU, I have been engaged in mentoring undergraduate research for some time: