Teaching & Outreach

For my students:

If you are curious about the kinds of mathematical research I do when I'm not teaching, feel free to watch this talk I gave in the Talk Math With Your Friends Online Mathematics Colloquium. It is meant to be accessible to a broad audience and has lots of illustrations and examples!

For everyone:

I am the first Native Hawaiian woman to obtain a PhD in mathematics (check out many other Indigenous mathematicians here), but I am not the first Native Hawaiian woman to develop mathematical tools to solve problems or to engage deeply in analytical exploration. One of my career goals is to facilitate access to research mathematics (especially in geometry and topology) for undergraduate and graduate students from groups that have been historically excluded from and marginalized within academic spaces. I have worked to do this at every stage of my career through my teaching, outreach, and mentoring. A handful of these activities are listed below.

Teaching Appointments at UW-Madison:

  • Math 222: Calculus and Analytic Geometry II - Instructor of Record, Spring 2023

  • Math 551: Elementary Topology - Instructor of Record, Fall 2022

Teaching Appointments at Georgia Tech:

  • Math 4083-LOV: Intro to Combinatorial Topology - Instructor of Record, Spring 2022

  • Math 2106: Intro to Proofs - Instructor of Record, Fall 2021

  • Math 1552: Integral Calculus - Instructor of Record

    • Spring 2021

    • Fall 2020 (appeared on the Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching: Fall 2020 CIOS Honor Roll)

Teaching appointments at UIUC:

Although I was funded by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship and a University of Illinois Graduate College Distinguished Fellowship during my time as a graduate student, I still had the opportunity to teach the following undergraduate courses. You can read some anonymous feedback from my students here.

  • Math 115: Precalculus, Fall 2017 - TA

  • Math 231: Calculus II, Spring 2017 - TA (appeared on List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by their Students)

Outreach, Organizing, & Mentoring:

Organizer (together with Elizabeth Field and Hannah Hoganson) of the "Infinite-type surfaces and big mapping class groups" session at the 2021 Nearly Carbon Neutral Geometric Topology Conference

Organizing with Siddhi Krishna an REU group (through the Georgia Tech REU program) on Braids, Surfaces, and Low Dimensional Phenomena, June 1st to July 9th, 2021

Co-organizer of the 2020 Topology Student Workshop which took place via Zoom, July 6-10, 2020

Co-organizer of the special session on "Combinatorial Methods in Geometric Group Theory” at the AMS Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting at UVA, March 13-15, 2020

Co-organizer of SUBgroups with Justin Lanier. SUBgroups are small online peer support groups for first-year math grad students as they transition into their graduate careers.

Postdoc mentor for the MSRI-UP 2019: Combinatorics and Discrete Mathematics (undergraduate summer research program), June 25th to July 28th, 2019 in Berkeley, CA

Lead organizer for the 17th annual Graduate Student Topology and Geometry Conference, March 30-31, 2019

Panelist on the "Effective Research Collaborations" panel at the UIUC AWM Mini-Symposium, February 2019

Co-organizer of the AWM's Teaching and Diversity Seminar, Fall 2017-Spring 2019

Graduate TA for the 2018 Summer@ICERM undergraduate summer research program

  • Project 1: Automorphisms of the k-curve Graph

  • Project 2: Length and Self-intersection Numbers of Geodesics in Hyperbolic Surfaces

Graduate Research Mentor for an undergraduate research as part of the Illinois Geometry Lab, Spring 2017

  • Project: Veech Jigsaws