
*a variety to swipe through

“Waiting at the End of Every Tessellation.”

9in x 12in

Oil on Paper


This painting was inspired in the spirit of those who remain single during Valentine's Day. This holiday is when couples boast online about their relationships and as someone who’s never been in one I yearn for it with an envious eye. I feel like I’m missing out on a fundamental aspect of being alive. Friends tell me it’s not such a big deal/I should do things on my own. The only ones who truly seem to ever understand me are those in a similar position. We as a society tend to view relationships as a measure of experience. Sure I got some things I can be proud of but they never really amount to anything when I can’t share them with someone.


12in x 16in

Oil on Paper


The idea for this painting was formed in the humid, summer of 2022 when I realized I had not seen another human being all day. The only one with me was Andy (my late dog). Now looking back, I could truly see the despair I was feeling. The feeling I wanted to emphasize was the sense of something taking over/the void within. I think I managed to do so. In the light, I captured the moment in which the ‘shadow’ is either reaching to grab or to take.

I am done with this year. I’ve been for quite some time. I am as lost, and anxious as I always been. Yet some sliver of me remains optimistic. I need to keep the embers going for everyone sake.” Some moments I see this piece as a surrender. Some moments I see it as a cry for help. And most of all I see it as a self portrait. I feel like I’m glowing at this time and I want to document that as best as I can.

Self Portraits throughout the years


24" x 36"



"Let Me Fall Asleep Til the End"

8.5" x 14"

Color Pencil on Paper



12" x 12"




36" x 22" 

Oil on Canvas


Screen printing! 

In the summer of 2021, I taught myself how to screen print! The formulaic aspect of following certain steps in screen printing is something I found therapeutic. There are guidelines and rules you have to follow because a single misstep can cause the whole thing to fall into shambles. Patience is key, also a cool design by yours truly :)

Spotify Playlist Covers

Spotify Wrapped 2021

(Top Left) Summer 2021 (Top Right) Summer 2022

(Middle Left) Autumn 2022 (Middle Right) Favorite 80's Tracks

(Bottom Left) Workout Playlist (Bottom Right) Favorites of Talking Heads


The month of October is special when it comes to artists since the month is usually referred to as "Inktober"! It is basically a challenge for any artist to follow a prompt list and draw each day. The rules vary from list to list. I myself followed @magsmunroe "Magtober" list! I listed my work below in the image carousel! 

Day 1 Nametag (3 IDs were made for this prompt. This is a "in-focus" look on one of them).

Swipe! ↓

Keep in mind days 1-18 were done at home while the rest were done on vacation! Some prompts were mashed together making a full total of 28 drawings.