LOVE's History from 1970
Thanks to Ken McRae for the initial compilation of this list!
51st Annual LOVE: 2024
Karen Campbell (Brock University), Asaf Gilboa (Rotman Research Institute), Erez Freud (York University): Conference Organizers
Jessica Damoiseaux, Wayne State University
Individual differences in brain aging – typical or pathological?
Ewa Niechwiej-Szwedo, University of Waterloo
Visuomotor coordination in the ‘wild’: application of eye tracking towards clinical and occupational assessments of motor skills.
Amy Finn, University of Toronto
When children’s ongoing cognitive and brain development allow them to learn better than adults
Gunnar Blohm, Queens University
Decoding cortical movement planning computations from magnetoencephalography (MEG)
Jennifer Heisz, McMaster University
Exercise for Brain Health
50th Annual LOVE: 2023
Karen Campbell (Brock University), Christopher Fiacconi (University of Guelph), Erez Freud (York University): Conference Organizers
Julia Spaniol, Toronto Metropolitan University
Aging and the motivation
Laura Batterink, Western University
Learning language without trying: Probing the brain's ability to implicitly extract linguistic patterns
Gabriel Xiao, McMaster University
The “Fat Face” illusion: How face processing is spatially relevant
Dirk Bernhardt-Walther, University of Toronto
Like what you see? The role of aesthetics in human visual perception.
Asaf Gilboa, Rotman Research Institute
What, if anything, is Systems Consolidation?
49th Annual LOVE: 2020
Jonathan Cant (University of Toronto Scarborough), Christopher Fiacconi (University of Guelph), Erez Freud (York University): Conference Organizers
Shayna Rosenbaum
Understanding the nature, extent, and brain dynamics of deficient pattern separation in aging and amnesia
Evan Risko
Cognitive offloading: Adventures in distributing cognition
Marieke Mur
From image to meaning: Modeling representational transformations in the visual system
Karen Campbell
Something in the way we test: Neurocognitive aging and the pervasive influence of extraneous task demands
Keisuke Fukuda
Limited control over unlimited storage: Visual working memory constrains the access to visual long-term memory
48th Annual LOVE: 2019
Michael Barnett-Cowen (University of Waterloo), Jennifer Campos (Toronto Rehabilitation Institute), Jonathan Cant (University of Toronto Scarborough), and Christopher Fiacconi (University of Guelph) : Conference Organizers
Jason Gallivan
The importance of being promiscuous: How changes in brain network affiliation drive learning
David Shore
Multisensory perception: Exploring space and time
Patrick Cavanagh
The science of art and shadow
Karen Campbell
Something in the way we test: Neurocognitive aging and the pervasive influence of extraneous task demands
Katherine Duncan
Opening windows of opportunity to modify human memory
47th Annual LOVE: 2018
Michael Barnett-Cowen (University of Waterloo), Jennifer Campos (Toronto Rehabilitation Institute), and Jonathan Cant (University of Toronto Scarborough) : Conference Organizers
Laurel Trainor
Music that Moves Us: Rhythm, Prediction, Brain Oscillations and Social Development
Adrian Nestor
We Can See What You ‘See’: Uncovering the Pictorial Content of Visual Representations
Jody Culham
“The treachery of images”: Why brains, babies and adults react differently to real objects than photos
Mark Fenske
The affective and motivational consequences of attention-, memory- and response-related inhibition
Doug Crawford
Visuomotor Transformations at Macroscopic and Microscopic Levels of Brain Function
46th Annual LOVE: 2017
Michelle Cadieux (McMaster University), David Shore (McMaster University), Michael Barnett-Cowen (University of Waterloo), and Jennifer Campos (Toronto Rehabilitation Institute) : Conference Organizers
Stephen Lomber
Acoustic Experience Alters How You See The World
Lauren Sergio
Seeing, Thinking, Doing...all at the same time!
Jennifer Steeves
Seeing the forest but not the trees: Studies of real and virtual lesions
Patrick Bennett
Learning to look, listen, and feel
Lynn Hasher
The Benefits of Poor Cognitive Control
45th Annual LOVE: 2016
Michelle Cadieux (McMaster University), Monica Castelhano (Queen's University), and David Shore (McMaster University) : Conference Organizers
Laurence Harris
The vestibular system and the sense of self
Daphne Maurer
The effect of experience on perceptual development: lessons from children treated for cataracts
Sophie Molholm
The neural dynamics of multisensory processing in health and disease
J. Bruce Morton
It's about time: the development of cognitive control networks re-examined
Jennifer Ryan
Seeing what you remember: reconceptualizations of amnesia and oculomotor control
44th Annual LOVE: 2015
Michelle Cadieux (McMaster University), Monica Castelhano (Queen's University), Joseph Kim (McMaster University), and David Shore (McMaster University) : Conference Organizers
Susanne Ferber
Attention: Work(ing memory) in progress
Dan Goldreich
The tau of tactile spatial perception
Jessica Grahn
Rhythm perception and the motor system
Jordan Poppenk
Functional-anatomical organization of the human hippocampal long axis
Allison Sekuler
The many faces of face perception
Karl Szpunar
Taming the wandering mind: Improving attention and learning during lectures
43rd Annual LOVE: 2014
Morgan Barense (University of Toronto), Jessica Grahn (University of Western Ontario), Monica Castelhano (Queen's University) and Ingrid Johnsrude (Queen's University) : Conference Organizers
Marlene Behrmann
Distributed neural circuits, not circumscribed centers, mediate both face and word recognition
Eve De Rosa
Acetylcholine & Attention: A Cross-species approach
Cheryl Grady
Reduced dynamic range of brain activity in older adults
Rajeev Raizada
Does the brain represent the world in terms of similarities?
Frank Russo
Understanding music and emotional communication from the perspective of synchronization
Niko Troje
Depth ambiguity and perceptual biases in biological motion perception
Morgan Barense (University of Toronto), Jessica Grahn (University of Western Ontario), and Ingrid Johnsrude (Queen's University) : Conference Organizers
Morgan Barense
The interface of memory and perception: Where parts become whole
Wil Cunningham
Motivational salience: Amygdala tuning from traits, needs, values, and goals
Elizabeth Hampson
Modulation of working memory by estrogen levels in women
Isabelle Peretz
The nature of music: Evidence from congenital amusia
Peter Pfordresher
“I can talk, why can’t I sing?” Mechanisms and (possible) domain-specific constraints for poor-pitch singing
Rajeev Raizada
Neural population codes: Representations, regularities and behaviour
Morgan Barense (University of Toronto), Jessica Grahn (University of Western Ontario), and Ingrid Johnsrude (Queen's University) : Conference Organizers
Adam Anderson
Form of Function in Facial Expressions of Emotion
Stefan Köhler
Neural Mechanisms of Familiarity Assessment
Nora Newcombe
Develop an Integrated Mind
Nick Rule
Perceiving People: Insights from Brain and Behaviour
Michael Schutz
Causality and Cross‐Modal Integration
Jessica Witt
Seeing into the Future: How Anticipated Action Influences Spatial Perception
Jonathan Fugelsang (University of Waterloo), and Daniel Ansari (University of Western Ontario) : Conference Organizers
Ori Friedman
Reasoning about ownership of property in preschoolers' and adults
Mel Goodale
How We See Stuff: Behavioural and fMRI Studies of the Perception of Material
Ingrid Johnsrude
Intelligibility of degraded speech and speech in noise: brain substrates and cognitive facilitation
Adrian Owen
What's on your mind?: How to communicate your thoughts with fMRI
Alex Martin
Neural circuits of the social mind: in action and at rest - in sickness and in health
Markus Ullsperger
To err is human. Multimodal investigations of performance monitoring
Jonathan Fugelsang (University of Waterloo), and Daniel Ansari (University of Western Ontario) : Conference Organizers
Bertram Gawronski
Contextualization versus generalization in spontaneous evaluation: A representational account of renewal effects and occasion setting in evaluative learning
Craig Hawryshyn
The Visual World of Lake Malawi Cichlid Fishes
Roxane Itier
Spatiotemporal dynamics of the eye processing neural network
Daniel Levitin
On the psychophysics of musical expressivity
Brad Mahon
The role of action in shaping the organization of artifact concepts
LOVE Speakers from 2009 to 2000
Jonathan Fugelsang (University of Waterloo), and Daniel Ansari (University of Western Ontario) : Conference Organizers
Jessica Cantlon
The oldest numbers in the world
Myra Fernandes
Reactivating the contents of memory
Kent Kiehl
The criminal psychopath magnetized: Brain imaging reveals paralimbic abnormalities
Randy McIntosh
Rethinking the definition of signal and noise in the brain
J Bruce Morton
The role of active memory in developing cognitive control networks
Allan Paivio
Memory: The engine of cognitive evolution
Daniel Smilek (Waterloo), and Michael Chan-Reynolds (Trent) : Conference Organizers
Jonathan Fugelsang
Constructing causality: How personal theories modulate perceptual and inferential processes in causal thinking
Alan Kingstone
Looking for love in all the wrong places: The need for a new approach
Monica Castelhano
Representing natural, real-world scenes: Exploring scene gist and its effect on eye movements
Lee Brooks
Redeeming the good name of similarity: Caution and the uses of similarity
Jonathan Schooler
The restless mind
Daniel Ansari
Neurocognitive trajectories of typical and atypical number development
John Paul Minda (Western Ontario), George Scott Cree (), and Craig Chambers (U Toronto) : Conference Organizers
Paul Luce
Learning about spoken words
Ann Senghas
The emergence of structure in Nicaraguan sign language: Carving up space and time
Brian Ross
Categories and cognition: Learning to use and using to learn
E. Glenn Schellenbert
Does music make you smarter?
Dan Smilek
Does synaesthesia influence visual attention?
David Sheinberg
Dynamic processing of visual form in primate temporal cortex
Ken McRae (Western Ontario), Michael Spivey (Cornell), and Marc Joanisse (Western Ontario) : Conference Organizers
Jim Magnuson
Similarity of spoken words: From signal to semantics
Vic Ferreira
Ambiguity, accessibility, and the ingredients of communicative success
Morris Moscovitch
The psychology and cognitive neuroscience of remote autobiographical, semantic and spatial memory
Bruce Milliken
Measuring attention: Challenges of past and present
Jody Culham
Interactions in action: Relationships between systems and brain regions in grasping, reaching, and feeding behaviours
Richard Aslin
Statistical learning in infants: How many t-tests can the brain compute?
Ken McRae (Western Ontario) and Michael Spivey (Cornell) : Conference Organizers
Marc Joanisse
Past tense verbs in English: A microcosm of a psycholinguistic theory
Dr. Love (Brad)
Category Learning by Clustering
Lorraine Allan
Detecting Contingencies is like Detecting Signals: Contingency Judgment ROCs
Michael Turvey
Theory of Brain and Behavior in the 21st Century: No Ghost, No Machine
Gunther Knoblich
The social nature of perception and action: From mimicry to cooperation
Laurel Trainor
Musical Origins: Early Abilities and Effects of Experience
Steve Joordens (Toronto) : Conference Organizer
There was a break with tradition this year.
See the web page link for all the speakers.
Steve Joordens (Toronto) : Conference Organizer
Robert Greene
Familiarity and decision processes in recognition memory
Gus Craik
Memory and Aging: The Inside Story
Vince Di Lollo
Two-way pathways in the brain: What are they for?
Pat Bennett
What changes with perceptual learning?
Shepard Siegel
The Ghost in the Addict: Drug Anticipation and Drug Addiction
Colin MacLeod
In Opposition to Inhibition
Steve Joordens (Toronto) : Conference Organizer
Derek Besner
Computational Modeling of Visual Word Recognition: New Results Forcing Change in Our Thinking about how Multiple Effects Arise
Mike Dixon
Coloured Cognition: Perceptual, Conceptual and Mnemonic Aspects of Alphanumeric Synaesthesia
Lynn Hasher
Inhibitory Control over the Contents of Working Memory: Individual and Group Differences
Jim Neely
Flexing And Extending A Body-"building" Approach To Semantic Priming: Pumping Up The Prime With Repetition Priming
Tram Neill
Masking By Object Substitution
David Shore
Confusing the Mind by Crossing the Hands: The Psychophysics, Neuropsychology and Neuroimaging of Tactile Remapping
Judith M Shedden (McMaster) : Conference Organizer
Lawrence W. Barsalou
The human conceptual system: LOVE should be embodied, dynamic, and situated -- not detached, static, and abstract
Tom Carr
LOVE conquers all - but not the Stroop Effect: Obligatory processing, capacity limits, and the role of spatial attention in word recognition
Michael Corballis
The magic of the hemispheres
Pierre Jolicoeur
On doing two things at the same time: Capacity limitations in dual-task paradigms
John Vokey
LOVE* in pictures. *Latent, orthogonal visual elements
Laurie Wilcox
Determinants of 3D surface interpolation
29th Annual LOVE: 2000
Philip Servos and Liddy Olds (Wilfred Laurier) : Conference Organizers
Ronald Rensink
The dynamic representation of scenes
Shimon Edelman
(Coarse coding of shape fragments) + (Retinotopy) = Representation of structure
Robert Jacobs
Visual cue integration for depth perception
David Sherry
The natural history of memory: Behaviour, ecology, and the brain of food-storing birds
Kevin Munhall
Visible speech: Perceiving phonetic information from facial motion
Elissa Newport
Innately constrained learning: The place of statistical learning in the acquisition of language
LOVE Speakers from 1999 to 1990
28th Annual LOVE: 1999
Ken McRae (Western Ontario) : Conference Organizer
Ken Nakayama
New Methods to Isolate Holistic Face Processing and Their Applications
Michael Spivey
Probabilistic Representations in Real-time Language Comprehension
Gregory Murphy
Knowledge in Concept Acquisition
Allison Sekuler
The Perception of Partly Occluded Objects
David Field
Unique Worlds and Specialized Visual Systems: On Relating the Senses to Their Evolutionary Environments
Jeff Elman
To Generalize or not to Generalize
27th Annual LOVE: 1998
Michael Spivey-Knowlton (Cornell) : Conference Organizer
Ulric Neisser
Enabling Conditions for False Memories
Ken McRae
Testing an Attractor Network Model of Lexical Conceptual Memory
Suzanna Becker
Implicit and Explicit Learning: What Computational Models can Tell us
Barbara Finlay
The Brain Explained: Three Times Over
Melvyn Goodale
The Visual Brain in Action
Elizabeth Bates
Why Language is NOT a Mental Organ
26th Annual LOVE: 1997
Steve Joordens (Toronto) and Bruce Milliken (McMaster) : Conference Organizers
Marlene Behrmann
Psychological and Neural Bases Underlying Spatial Representation
David Plaut
The Emergence of Structure in the Lexical Semantic System: A connectonist account of impairments in object and word naming
Gordon Logan
Toward a theory of attention and memory
Larry Jacoby
Accessibility bias: Measuring unconscious (automatic) influences of memory
Bruce Whittlesea
Why do strangers feel familiar when friends don't?
Donald Stuss
The functional specificity of the frontal lobes
25th Annual LOVE: 1996
Patrick Bennett and Allison Sekuler (Toronto) : Conference Organizers
Randy McIntosh
Cross-Modal Interactions in the Human Brain During Learned Expectancy
Gail Musen
Capacity Limits on Implicit Memory
Lynn Hasher
Aging and Inhibitory Control of Memory
Steve Yantis
On the Representational Basis for Visual Selection: What is the Stimulus That Attention Selects?
Brad Motter
Color Selective Processes in Visual Attention and Search
John K. Tsotsos
Modeling Visual Attention via Selective Tuning
24th Annual LOVE: 1995
Ken McRae (Western Ontario) : Conference Organizer
Margaret M. Shiffrar
The Interpretation of Object Motion
Mark S. Seidenberg
Rules, Connections, and Language: A Synthesis
Dana Ballard
Computational Hierarchies for Natural Behaviors
Lee Brooks
Perceptual Resemblance and Effort After Commonality in Category Formation
Daniel Kersten
Shedding Light on the Objects of Perception
Michael K. Tanenhaus
Using Eye-Movements to Study Spoken Language Comprehension in Visual Contexts
23rd Annual LOVE: 1994
Patrick Brown (Western Ontario) And Pierre Jolicoeur (Waterloo) : Conference Organizers
Phil Merikle & Steve Joordens
Measuring Unconscious Influences: Alternatives to Task Dissociations
Michael Tarr
Conditions for Viewpoint-Dependence and Viewpoint-Invariance in Human Object Recognition
Vincent Di Lollo
Fast Phosphors and Slow Eyes: How Come TV Pictures Look Whole and Sharp?
Veronica Dark
Selectivity Via Semantic Priming: Attention as a Cause or an Effect?
Pat Bennett
Structural Constraints on the Analysis of Complex Visual Patterns
Michael Masson
Beyond Conjecture: Contextual Influences on the Perception of Words and Objects
22nd Annual LOVE: 1992
Patrick Brown (Western Ontario): Conference Organizers
Zenon Pylyshyn (UWO)
Place Indexing in Early and Intermediate Vision (introduced by Anne Treisman, UC Berkeley)
Anne Treisman (UC Berkeley)
Perceiving and Reperceiving Objects (introduced by Zenon Pylyshyn, UWO)
Ken Paap (New Mexico State)
Dual Route Models of Print to Sound: Red Herrings and Real Horses (introduced by Chris Herman, Carleton)
Elizabeth Spelke (Cornell)
Object Perception and Physical Reasoning in Infants (introduced by Peter Jusczyk, SUNY Buffalo)
Christine Chiarello (Syracuse)
Understanding Words and Their Meanings: There's two sides to every story (introduced by Curt Burgess, Syracuse)
James T. Enns (UBC)
How much does early vision know? (introduced by Steven Tipper, McMaster)
No LOVE this year.
21st Annual LOVE: 1991
Patrick Brown (Western Ontario) : Conference Organizer
Gary S. Dell
Linguistic Structure in Connectionist Models: The Effect of Phonological Frames on Speech Errors
Ian M. Begg
Dissociation of Processes in Reasoning: Logic vs. Intuition
David Meyer
Beyond Cognition: The Joy of Motor Control and how I Learned to L.O.V.E. Fitt's Law
James Todd
The Visual Perception of Globally Coherent Motion
Keith Humphrey
The McCullough Effect: What, Why, and Where?
James H. Neely
A Three-Process Theory of Semantic Context Effects on Visual Word Recognition
No LOVE this year.
LOVE Speakers from 1989 to 1980
20th Annual LOVE: 1989
Lee Brooks (McMaster) and Pierre Jolicoeur (Waterloo) : Conference Organizers
Ulric Neisser
Direct Perception and Recognition as Distinct Perceptual Systems
Melvyn A. Goodale
Seeing the World and Grasping it: Is There a Difference?
Steven Tipper
Mechanisms of Visual Selective Attention
Edward E. Smith
Category-Based Induction
Jamie Campbell
Inhibitory and Excitatory Components of Error Priming in Mental Arithmetic
Gordon Logan
An Instance Theory of Automaticity
19th Annual LOVE: 1988
Lee Brooks (McMaster) and Pierre Jolicoeur (Waterloo) : Conference Organizers
This LOVE was held at Pruhommes Landing, Vineland Station, Ontario
Betty Ann Levy
Developing Fluency: Processing Changes Across Reading Encounters
Margaret Livingstone
Segregation of Form, Color, Movement, and Depth Processing in the Visual System: Anatomy, Physiology, Psychology, and Art
Douglas Medin
Relationships Between Similarity-Based and Explanation-Based Categorization
Richard Aislin
Retinal Development: Implications for Space Perception and Motor Control in Human Infants
Whitman Richards
Encoding Shape by Curvature
William Prinzmetal
A Functional Theory of Illusory Conjunctions and Neon Colara
18th Annual LOVE: 1987
Lee Brooks (McMaster) and Erwin Segal (SUNY at Buffalo) : Conference Organizers
Susan Lederman
The Intelligent Hand
Marcia K. Johnson
The Origin of Memories
James L. McClelland
A Parallel-Distributed Processing Account of Reading Single Words
Bruce W. A. Whittlesea
On the Perceptual Superiority of Words (and Pseudowords, and Letters, and phrases): Enduring Effects of Particular Experiences
Bruce Dow
Neurophysiological Basis of Color Categories
Ronald A. Finke
Momentum in the Mind
17th Annual LOVE: 1986
Dedicated to the Memory of Paul A. Kolers
Jim Pomerantz and Gary Dell: Conference Organizers
Carol L. Krumhansl
Perceptual Structures for Music
Irving Biederman
Recognition-by-Components: A Theory of Human Image Understanding
John Jonides
Planning Saccadic eye Movements
Pierre Jolicoeur
Pattern Recognition: Implications From Studies Using Distorted Patterns
Norman Slamecka
Where are the Determinants of Normal Forgetting?
Michael K. Tanenhaus
Word Recognition. Lexical Codes, and Language Comprehension
16th Annual LOVE: 1985
Jim Sawusch and Peter Jusczyk: Conference Organizers
Howard C. Nusbaum
Structural Constraints on Auditory Word Perception
Gary S. Dell
When Words Collide: A Connectionist Approach to Language Production and Speech Errors
David R. Olson and Janet W. Astington
Children's Mental States: The Relations Between Seeing. Thinking, and Knowing
Lewis W. Brandt
What is Experimental Psychology Based on
Deborah Walters
Line end Connections as Features in Line Drawings: Psychophysical experiments and Computer Vision Implementation
John S. Yeomans
Brain Reward Systems: Overview for Lovers
15th Annual LOVE: 1984
Colin MacLeod (Toronto) and John Mitterer (Brock) : Conference Organizers
Daphne Maurer
The Effects of Deprivation on Human's Visual Development: Studies of Children Treated for Cataracts
Geoffery Hinton
Cooperative Computation in Networks of Stochastic Computing Elements
John Benjafield
Some Psychological Aspects of the Golden Section
Derek Besner
Issues in Visual Word Recognition
Walt Makous
Fusion and Binocular Rivalry: Same or Different Process
Henry L. Roediger III
Retrieval Inhibition in Recall and Recognition
14th Annual LOVE: 1983
Sid Segalowitz (Brock) and Lynn Cooper (Cornell): Conference Organizers
Charles W. White
Retinotopic and Spatiotopic: New 'Topics' in Visual Perception
David M. Regan
Visual Processing of Motion in Depth
James R. Sawusch
Integral and Wholistic Processes in Speech Perception
M. Martin Taylor (DRML)
Reading With Both Sides of the Brain
Arlene S. Walker
The Development of Perception of Invariance
James E. Cutting
On the Underdetermination of Perception by Invariance
13th Annual LOVE: 1982
Barry Frost (Queen's) : Conference Organizer
Jim Pomerantz
Local and Global Effects in Form and Motion Perception
Gordon Winocur
Memory Following Hippocampal and Thalamic Lesions in man and Other Mammals
James C. Johnston
Quicker Than a Flash: The Word Perception Process as Revealed by Tachistoscopic Masking Experiments From Perception
Olga Eizner-Favreau
On Charting the Channels of Vision
Melvyn A. Goodale
Vision as a Sensorymotor System
Michael Turvey
The Role of Vision in Locomotion
12th Annual LOVE: 1981
Doug Lowe (Trent) and Vince Di Lollo (Alberta) : Conference Organizers
Cam Searle
An Auditory View of Speech Perception
Peter Dodwell
Geometry of the Visual Field
Ed Brussell
The Sensory Processing of Brightness Information
Larry Jacoby
On the Relationship Between Autobiographical Memory and Perceptual Learning
Rod Barron
Visual and Phonological Information in Reading and Spelling
Don Mitchell
Development Studies of Amblyopia and its Treatment
11th Annual LOVE: 1980
Dedicated to the Memory of James J. Gibson
Susan Lederman (Queens) and Betty Ann Levy (McMaster) : Conference Organizers
Morris Moscovitch
Information Processing and the Cerebral Hemispheres
Francine Frome
An Explanation of Auditory-Semantic Space
Frank Keil
Constraints on Semantic and Conceptual Development
Ben Murdock
On Recognition Memory
George McConkie
Perception During a Fixation in Reading
Max Cynader
Postnatal Development of Kitten Visual System
LOVE Speakers from 1979 to 1970
10th Annual LOVE: 1979
M. Martin Taylor (DRML) and Marilyn Smith (Toronto Scarborough) : Conference Organizers
Ken Bowers
Listening, Hearing, and Hypnotic Mind Twaining
Maureen Dennis
Acquiring Semantic and Discourse Competence With One Hemisphere
Barrie Frost
Contextual Influences on the Specificity of Visual Neurons
Ian Howard
Distinguishing, Identifying, and Describing the Orientation of Objects
Whitman Richards
Natural Computation: A new Approach to Understanding Vision
Richard Shiffrin
An Associative-Search Theory of Long-Term Retrieval: Applications to Visual and Verbal Recall
9th Annual LOVE: 1978
Naomi Weisstein (SUNY at Buffalo) and Ulric Neisser (Cornell) : Conference Organizers
Open Discussion
Context Effects in Perception
Susan Lederman
Tactile Texture Perception
David Olsen
Some Relations Between Oral and Written Language
Alan Gilchrist
Lightness Perception Without Contrast: Why Black Rooms Look Black
Lyn Cooper
Comparison Processes in Visual Memory
8th Annual LOVE: 1977
possibly Ralph N Haber: Conference Organizers information missing...
Do you remember this LOVE? Please contact me with any info you might have:
7th Annual LOVE: 1976
possibly Gus Craik (Chair), Joseph F. Sturr: Conference Organizers
information missing...
Do you remember this LOVE? Please contact me with any info you might have:
6th Annual LOVE: 1975
possibly Joseph F. Sturr (Chair), Gus Craik, Philip M. Merikle: Conference Organizers
information missing...
Do you remember this LOVE? Please contact me with any info you might have:
5th Annual LOVE: 1974
Philip M. Merikle (Chair), Albert S. Bergman, Joseph F. Sturr: Conference Organizers
James J. Gibson
Evidence for a Theory of Direct Visual Perception
Paul A. Kolers
Plasticity of Shape Perception
William Baron
The Primate Cone Photoreceptors: A Limiting Element in the Human Observer's Sensitivity to Flickering Stimuli
Irving Biederman
A Glance at a Scene
Eleanor J. Gibson
Reflections on the Nature of the Reading Process
4th Annual LOVE: 1973
Albert S. Bergman (McGill) : Conference Organizers
D. J. K. Mewhort
Scanning and the Organization of Report in Tachistoscopic Recognition
C. Douglas Creelman
Comprehensive Listening: The Range of Auditory Attention
Fergus I.M. Craik
Evidence for a 'Levels of Processing' View of Memory
Daniel Berlyne (with J. C. Ogilvie)
Dimensions of Esthetic Perception
Alfred B. Kristofferson
Psychological Timing Mechanisms
3rd Annual LOVE: 1972
Peter K Kaiser: Conference Organizer
A. O. Dick
A Look at The Conceptual Neurophysiology of Form Perception
U. Neisser
Taking Cognitive Psychology Seriously
S. L. Guth
Neural Inhibition, Contrast Effects, and Visual Sensitivity
D. Teller
On Spatial Sensitization, Single Neurons, and the Concept of Causality
P. Hallett
Physiological Processing of Dim Images
M. Mathews
A Surfeit of Single Cells, or How Too Much Lateral Inhibition Includes Spreading Depression
S. Anstis
Intensity vs. Adaptation and the Pulfrich Stereophenomenon
2nd Annual LOVE: 1971
Unknown: Conference Organizers
information missing...
Do you remember this LOVE? Please contact us with any info you have:
Inaugural LOVE: 1970
You never forget your first LOVE
Ralph N Haber (Rochester): Conference Organizers
M. Ph. Bryden
Processing Dichotically Presented Material
Michael Corballis
The Problem Of Mirror Images
Peter K. Kaiser
The Distinctness of a Heterochromatic Border and its Relation to 'Abney's Law', Saturation, Brightness, Contrast, and Chromatic Contrast
G. R. Engel
Correlation Functions Applied to Human Visual Pattern Processing
Lee Brooks
Shared Capacity in Visual Processing
Ralph N. Haber
How Can we Remember What we See
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Event Committee
Karen Campbell
Brock University
Asaf Gilboa
Rotman Research Institute
Peter Kohler
York University
Financial Contributors
Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science