Love A Keiki
Learning Center
Latest News
Love A Keiki has moved!
Updated Operating Hours: 7:00am - 5:30pm
Love A Keiki Learning Center is a year-round pre-school in Kalihi with full-time & part-time programs!
*We participate in these Child Care Subsidy Programs (Click any of the buttons to be redirected to their website)
Love A Keiki Learning Center will help to prepare your child for kindergarten by working with your child and your family to develop their independence in social and emotional skills, as well as reading and math readiness, phonics, writing, and speaking skills. Our objective is to partner with you to help your child reach their potential by encouraging a strong foundation of a balanced need between basic life skills, good manners, and optimum classroom performance.
Values, Morals, & Personal Growth
(Based upon Christian principles)
I work and play well with others
I am learning to take turns and share
I take good care of personal and group belongings
I take part in group discussions
I listen while others are talking
I try to observe safety rules
I am willing to enter into new activities
I am able to follow in classroom routines
I can accept constructive criticism
Physical Growth
I participate in rhythmic activities
I try to practice good personal health habits
I enjoy active play
I enjoy quiet group games
I eat well
I can rest quietly
Growth in Skills and Work Habits
I enjoy books and listen attentively to stories
I show a curiosity to nature and science
I like to sing and listen to music
I speak in front of others and express my ideas so others can understand me