

Sadly, Maximus passed away, its been very hard for me to share this news with you all. He started not acting himself and we rushed him to the vet on a Friday. He tested positive for worms, the emergency clinic provided us with wormer. He got worse over the next 24 hours and our vet was open the following Monday. After some xrays it was discovered something was stuck in his intestines. After hours of surgery they removed a plush toy about the size of a baseball (my 4 year olds toy) he had swallowed. This had cut off the intestines and over four feet of the intestines had to be cut and removed as it was dead intestines. He did great the next day, we even thought he was getting to come home and had prepped our home and even bought the medical soft food for him. He took a turn for the worst and the vet recommended the surgery to be done again that there was a possibility more intestines had died. Sadly Maximus did not make it off the table. We have added Thor to our family recently to be the future stud. Until Thor is matured, we will be using another male as our stud. If you have any questions, please reach out to me and I will be glad to answer them.

Maximus- He was born March 14, 2017 and we are using him as our stud for all future litters. We call him Max for short and he still thinks he is a 10 pound puppy. I will admit I am a little jealous because I had planned on him being "my baby boy" but he has taken by my husbands side. He is a wonderful listener and easy learner. Max's bloodlines are astonishing and consist of Kimbertal bloodlines. Max's grandfather is Avatar di Altobello the Young Champion of Montengero, Young Champion of Bulgaria. Max's personality: He is a big baby that loves to be held and loved on. He is our most loyal male doberman we have ever owned. He does not need a leash and follows commands from my husband Ty.

Additional pedigree information on Max's dad:

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