I have published 45 papers in international peer-reviewed journals. I have also contributed to national journals, book chapters and a book, and my research has been presented >50 times in international and national conferences in the fields of palynology, palaeobotany, ecology, geosciences and Quaternary studies [Google Scholar]

Refereed full papers

[47] Salinas C, Adame MF, López-Merino L, Atwood TB, Lavery PS , Serrano O. In preparation. Australia’s significant seagrass nitrogen sinks at risk from global environmental change.

[46] Werner A, López-Merino L, Kaal J, Serrano O. Under review. Glomalin-related soil protein in colluvial soils as a proxy for reconstructing millenary changes in landscape and soil health. CATENA

[45] López-Merino L, Tallón-Armada R, Costa-Casais M, Silva-Sánchez N, López-Sáez JA, Martínez Cortizas A. 2023. Palaeoenvironmental framing of the O Areal Roman saltworks and related anthropogenic activities in North-western Iberia. Environmental Archaeology, DOI: 10.1080/14614103.2023.2206199

[44] Mighall TM, Martínez Cortizas A, Silva-Sánchez N, López-Costas O, López-Merino L. 2023. Climate change, fire and human activity drive vegetation change during the last eight millennia in the Xistral Mountains of NW Iberia. Quaternary 6, 5

[43] Martínez Cortizas A, López-Merino L, Silva-Sánchez N, Sjöström JK, Kylander ME. 2021. Investigating the mineral composition of peat by combining FTIR-ATR and multivariate analysis. Minerals 11, 1084

[42] Hoyle TM, Leroy SAG, López-Merino L, van Baak GC, Martínez Cortizas A, Richards K, Aghayeva V. 2021. Biological turnovers in response to marine incursion into the Caspian Sea at the Plio-Pleistocene transition. Global and Planetary Change 206, 103623

[41] Leiva-Dueñas C, Leavitt PR, Buchaca T, Martínez Cortizas A, López-Merino L, Serrano O, Lavery PS, Schouten S, Mateo MA. 2020.  Factors regulating primary producer assemblages in Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile ecosystems over the past 1800 years. Science of the Total Environment 718, 137163

[40] Hoyle TM, Leroy SAG, López-Merino L, Miggins DP, Koppers AP. 2020. Vegetation succession and climate change across the Plio-Pleistocene transition in eastern Azerbaijan, central Eurasia (2.77–2.45 Ma). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 538, 109386

[39] Leroy S, López-Merino L, Kozina N. 2019. Dinocyst records from deep cores reveal a reversed salinity gradient in the Caspian Sea at 8.5–4.0 cal ka BP. Quaternary Science Reviews 209, 1–12

[38] Manzano S, Carrión JS, López-Merino L, Jiménez-Moreno G, Toney JL, Amstrong H, Anderson RS, García-Alix A, Guerrero Pérez JL, Sánchez-Mata D. 2019. A palaeoecological approach to understanding the past and present of Sierra Nevada, a Southwestern European biodiversity hotspot. Global and Planetary Change 175, 238–250

[37] Manzano S, Carrión JS, García-Murillo P, López-Merino L. 2019. When dynamism is the baseline: long-term ecology of a Mediterranean seasonal wetland in the Doñana National Park (Southwestern Europe). Biodiversity and Conservation 28, 501–522

[36] Leiva-Dueñas C, López-Merino L, Serrano O, Martínez Cortizas A, Mateo MA. 2018. Millennial-scale trends and controls in Posidonia oceanica (L. Delile) ecosystem productivity. Global and Planetary Change 169, 92–104

[35] Hoyle TM, Leroy SAG, Lόpez-Merino L, Richards K. 2018. Using fluorescence microscopy to discern in situ from reworked palynomorphs in dynamic depositional environments – An example from sediments of the late Miocene to early Pleistocene Caspian Sea. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 256, 32–49

[34] Manzano S, Carrión JS, López-Merino L, Ochando J, Munuera M, Fernández S, González-Sampériz P. 2018. Early to Mid-Holocene spatiotemporal vegetation changes and tsunami impact in a paradigmatic coastal transitional system (Doñana National Park, southwestern Europe). Global and Planetary Change 161, 66–81

[33] López-Merino L, Colás-Ruiz NR, Adame MF, Serrano O, Martínez Cortizas A, Mateo MA. 2017. A six thousand-year record of climate and land-use change from Mediterranean seagrass mats. Journal of Ecology 105, 1267–1278 [Open Access]

[32] Manzano S, Carrión JS, López-Merino L, González-Sampériz P, Munuera M, Fernández S, Martín-Lerma I, Gómez Ferreras MC. 2017. Mountain strongholds for woody angiosperms during the Late Pleistocene in SE Iberia. Catena 149, 701–712

[31] López-Merino L, Leroy SAG, Eshel A, Epshtein V, Belmaker R, Bookman R. 2016. Using palynology to re-assess the Dead Sea laminated sediments – indeed varves? Quaternary Science Reviews 140, 49–66 [Open Access]

[30] Serrano O, Lavery PS, López-Merino L, Ballesteros E, Mateo MA. 2016. Location and associated carbon storage of erosional escarpments of seagrass Posidonia mats. Frontiers in Marine Science 3 (Article 42), 1–7 [Open Access]

[29] Martínez Cortizas A, López-Merino L, Bindler R, Mighall T, Kylander ME. 2016. Early atmospheric metal pollution provides evidence for Chalcolithic/Bronze Age mining and metallurgy in Southwestern Europe. Science of the Total Environment 545–546, 398–406 [Open Access]

[28] López-Merino L, Serrano O, Adame MF, Mateo MA, Martínez Cortizas A. 2015. Glomalin accumulated in seagrass sediments reveals past alterations in soil quality due to land-use change. Global and Planetary Change 133, 87–95 [Open Access]

[27] López-Merino L, Leroy SAG, Haldorsen S, Heun M, Reynolds A. 2015. Can Triticum urartu be identified by pollen analysis? Implications for detecting the ancestor of the extinct domesticated two-grained einkorn-like wheat. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 177, 278–289 [Open Access]

[26] López-Merino L, Martínez Cortizas A, Reher GS, López-Sáez JA, Mighall TM, Bindler R. 2014. Reconstructing the impact of human activities in a NW Iberian Roman mining landscape for the last 2500 years. Journal of Archaeological Science 50, 208–218 [Open Access]

[25] Leroy SAG, López-Merino L, Tudryn A, Chalié F, Gasse F. 2014. Late Pleistocene and Holocene palaeoenvironments in and around the middle Caspian basin as reconstructed from a Deep-sea core. Quaternary Science Reviews 101, 91–110 [Open Access]

[24] Silva-Sánchez N, Martínez Cortizas A, López-Merino L. 2014. Linking forest cover, soil erosion and mire hydrology to late-Holocene human activity and climate in NW Spain. The Holocene 24, 714–725 [Open Access]

[23] Gil-Romera G, González-Sampériz P, Lasheras-Alvarez L, Sevilla-Callejo M, Moreno A, Valero-Garcés B, López-Merino L, Carrión JS, Pérez Sanz A, Aranbarri J, García-Prieto Fronce E. 2014. Biomass-modulated fire dynamics during the Last Glacial–Interglacial Transition at the Central Pyrenees (Spain). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 402, 113–124

[22] Seddon AWR, Mackay AW, Baker AG, Birks HJB, Breman E, Buck CE, Ellis EC, Froyd CA, Gill JL, Gillson L, Johnson EA, Jones VJ, Juggins S, Macias-Fauria M, Mills K, Morris JL, Nogués-Bravo D, Punyasena SW, Roland TP, Tanentzap AJ, Willis KJ, Aberhan M, van Asperen EN, Austin WEN, Battarbee RW, Bhagwat S, Belanger CL, Bennett KD, Birks HH, Bronk Ramsey C, Brooks SJ, de Bruyn M, Butler PG, Chambers FM, Clarke SJ, Davies AL, Dearing JA, Ezard THG, Feurdean A, Flower RJ, Gell P, Hausmann S, Hogan EJ, Hopkins MJ, Jeffers ES, Korhola AA, Marchant R, Kiefer T, Lamentowicz M, Larocque-Tobler I, López-Merino L, Liow LH, McGowan S, Miller JH, Montoya E, Morton O, Nogué S, Onoufriou C, Boush LP, Rodriguez-Sanchez F, Rose NL, Sayer CD, Shaw HE, Payne R, Simpson G, Sohar K, Whitehouse NJ, Williams JW, Witkowski A, McGlone M. 2014. Looking forward through the past: Identification of 50 priority research questions in palaeoecology. Journal of Ecology 102, 256–267 [Open Access]

[21] Leroy SAG, Tudryn A, Chalié F, López-Merino L, Gasse F. 2013. From the Allerød to the mid-Holocene: Palynological evidence from the south basin of the Caspian Sea. Quaternary Science Reviews 78, 77–97 [Open Access]

[20] Martínez Cortizas A, López-Merino L, Bindler R, Mighall T, Kylander M. 2013. Atmospheric Pb pollution in N Iberia during the late Iron Age/Roman times reconstructed using the high-resolution record of La Molina mire (Asturias, Spain). Journal of Paleolimnology 50, 71–86

[19] Kaal J, Criado-Boado F, Costa-Casais M, López-Sáez JA, López-Merino L, Mighall T, Carrión Y, Silva Sánchez N, Martínez Cortizas A. 2013. Prehistoric land use at an archaeological hot-spot (the rock art park of Campo Lameiro, NW Spain) inferred from charcoal, synanthropic pollen and non-pollen palynomorph proxies. Journal of Archaeological Science 40, 1518–1527

[18] López-Merino L, Silva Sánchez N, Martínez Cortizas A, Kaal J, López-Sáez JA. 2012. Post-disturbance vegetation dynamics during the Late Pleistocene and the Holocene: An example from NW Iberia. Global and Planetary Change 92-93, 58–70

[17] López-Merino L, Martínez Cortizas A, López-Sáez JA. 2011. Human-induced changes on wetlands: A study case from NW Iberia. Quaternary Science Reviews 30, 2745–2754

[16] Moreno A, López-Merino L, Leira M, Marco-Barba J, González-Sampériz P, Valero-Garcés BL, López-Sáez JA, Santos L, Mata P, Ito E. 2011. Revealing the last 13,500 years of environmental history from the multiproxy record of a mountain lake (Lago Enol, northern Iberian Peninsula). Journal of Paleolimnology 46, 327–349

[15] López-Merino L, Moreno A, Leira M, Sigró J, González-Sampériz P, Valero-Garcés BL, López-Sáez JA, Brunet M, Aguilar E. 2011. Two hundred years of environmental change in Picos de Europa National Park inferred from sediments of Lago Enol, northern Iberia. Journal of Paleolimnology 46, 453–467 

[14] López-Merino L, Peña-Chocarro L, Ruiz-Alonso M, López-Sáez JA, Sánchez-Palencia FJ. 2010. Beyond nature: the management of a productive cultural landscape in Las Médulas (León, Spain). Plant Biosystems 144, 905–919

[13] López-Dias V, Borrego AG, Blanco CG, Arboleya M, López-Sáez JA, López-Merino L. 2010. Biomarkers in a peat deposit in Northern Spain (Huelga de Bayas, Asturias) as proxy for climate variation. Journal of Chromatography A 1217, 3538–3546

[12] López-Merino L, Martínez Cortizas A, López-Sáez JA. 2010. Early agriculture and palaeoenvironmental history in the North of the Iberian Peninsula: a multi-proxy analysis of the Monte Areo mire (Asturias, Spain). Journal of Archaeological Science 37, 1978–1988

[11] Carrión JS, Fernández S, González-Sampériz P, Gil-Romera G, Badal E, Carrión-Marco Y, López-Merino L, López-Sáez JA, Fierro E, Burjachs F. 2010. Expected trends and surprises in the Lateglacial and Holocene vegetation history of the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 162, 458–475

[10] Carrión-Marco Y, Kaal J, López-Sáez JA, López-Merino L, Martínez Cortizas A. 2010. Holocene vegetation change in NW Spain revealed by anthracological and palynological records from a colluvial soil. The Holocene 20, 53–66

[9] Gil-Romera G, López-Merino L, Carrión JS, González-Sampériz P, Martín-Puertas C, López-Sáez JA, Fernández S, García Antón M, Stefanova V. 2010. Interpreting resilience through long-term ecology: potential insights in western Mediterranean landscapes. The Open Ecology Journal 3, 43–53 [Open Access]

[8] López-Sáez JA, López-Merino L, Alba-Sánchez F, Pérez-Díaz S, Abel-Schaad D, Carrión JS. 2010. Late Holocene ecological history of Pinus pinaster forests in the Sierra de Gredos of central Spain. Plant Ecology 206, 195–209

[7] López-Sáez JA, Alba-Sánchez F, López-Merino L, Pérez-Díaz S. 2010. Modern pollen analysis: a reliable tool for discriminating Quercus rotundifolia communities in Central Spain. Phytocoenologia 40, 57–72

[6] Alba-Sánchez F, López-Sáez JA, Benito de Pando B, Linares JC, Nieto-Lugilde D, López-Merino L. 2010. Past and present potential distribution of the Iberian Abies species: A phytogeographic approach using pollen data and species distribution models. Diversity and Distributions 16, 214–228 [Open Access]

[5] López-Merino L, López-Sáez JA, Alba-Sánchez F, Pérez-Díaz S, Carrión JS. 2009. 2000 years of pastoralism and fire shaping high-altitude vegetation of Sierra de Gredos in central Spain. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 158, 42–51

[4] López-Sáez JA, Blanco-González A, López-Merino L, Ruiz Zapata B, Dorado Valiño M, Pérez-Díaz S, Valdeolmillos A, Burjachs F. 2009. Landscape and climatic changes during the end of the Late Prehistory in the Amblés Valley (Ávila, central Spain), from 1200 to 400 cal BC. Quaternary International 200, 90–101

[3] López-Sáez JA, López-Merino L, Mateo MA, Serrano O, Pérez-Díaz S, Serrano L. 2009. Palaeoecological potential of the marine organic deposits of Posidonia oceanica: a case study in the NE Iberian Peninsula. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 271, 215–224

[2] López-Merino L, López-Sáez JA, Ruiz Zapata MB, Gil García MJ. 2008. Reconstructing the history of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in the north-western Iberian Range (Spain): from Late-Glacial refugia to the Holocene anthropic-induced forests. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 152, 58–65

[1] Peco B, López-Merino L, Alvir M. 2006. Survival and germination of Mediterranean grassland species after simulated sheep ingestion: ecological correlates with seed traits. Acta Oecologica 30, 269–275


Books chapters

Other publications in refereed journals