© Xosé Durán

Dr Lourdes López-Merino

Principal Investigator

Madrid Talent Attraction Program


ENVIROVEG (grupo UCM 910164)

Unidad de Botánica (Dept. Farmacología, Farmacognosia y Botánica)

Facultad de Farmacia

Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Madrid, Spain


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Visiting researcher

EcoPast (GI-1553)

Dept. Edafoloxía e Química Agrícola

Facultade de Bioloxía

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Galicia, Spain


lourdelo[at]ucm.es     |     lolome[at]hotmail.es 


I am a palaeoecologist with experience in environmental archives from three continents (Europe, Asia and Oceania). My career deals with understanding long-term human-climate-environment interactions. To this end, I perform multiproxy-based reconstructions of Quaternary environmental change. Thanks to the long-term environmental records, I detect patterns and processes of environmental change, as well as the impact that climate and anthropogenic stressors have on the structure and functioning of environmental systems. My research focuses on four lines

1. Detecting long-term terrestrial responses to environmental stressors

2. Palaeohydrology of large lakes located at climate-sensitive areas

3. Conservation palaeoecology of seagrass meadows

4. Interdisciplinary study on humans and the environment

Landscapes under construction!