A loud call could be head ringing through the camp “CLAN MEETING!! IT'S A TRAGEDY” EmberStar looked around as the clan swarmed towards her. They all had such pure and innocent fear in their eyes, EmberStar knew she wasn’t pure or innocent after today. “One of our cherished clanmates had DIED” a gasp rippled through the crowd. Emberstar lowered her head, then announced, her eyes flowing with tears of sorrow “and i killed them” she rasped, the clan inhaled loudly.A young ruddy cat stepped forward her ears were pinned flat “who was it?” she whispered. “FluffyFluff” their leader wailed. Whispers rocketed across the group like wildfire, most of them were “did you know them” or “who’s that” Soon a brown cat with curly fur called out “We have no idea who you’re talking about” while wailing EmberStar pointed to a moth laying on a lotus flower “i rolled on him in my sleep and now he’s DEAD” she curly furred cat rolled her eyes “i’m going back to sleep” many of the cats headed back into their dens, the ticked tabby dipped her head respectfully “sorry” and darted off. A couple moments later the moth flew away, the cats that remained all sighed in unison. A chocolate brown cat with a ruffled “mane” around their neck pointed out that moths are nocturnal and it was probably sleeping.