Past Outings


Thursday 7th July - Visit to Yellowcraigs to look for Festuca arenaria in the dunes. The wild flowers there are looked after by the East Lothian Ranger.

Friday 29th July - Group visit to Papple Steading, Whittinghame. Wild flower meadow, identification of exotic trees in the woods, recording of plants along the river, guided tour of developments at the Steading by George Mackintosh who is creating an agricultural museum and preserving the farm buildings, welcome tea. Thank you Felicity and George.

Saturday 1st October - Archaeology tour of Cockenzie 18th century saltpans, harbour and waggonway to Tranent. Wild flower recording up the route of the old waggonway, starting at the "Meadowmill Pyramid" (view from old coal bing of the Battle of Prestonpans area) and up the path to the old church of Tranent. The Pyramid had scant vegetation on the coal: sedum, strawberries, hare's-foot clover, gorse, broom, at the bottom a line of planted Grey Alder which is quite common in East Lothian, beside it an area of rough ground with agricultural weeds including Carduus crispus. A good selection of trees either side of the track, Norway Maple leaves just colouring. The old walls on the lane beside the church the Hart's-tongue fern and the usual churchyard plants of Yew and Holly.