Books can be obtained from Summerfield Books - They attend the BSBI Scottish Botanists' Conference with a large selection and some second hand books. The Conference is held at The Royal Botanical Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) first weekend of November.

Here is a selection of books. The Collins Flower Guide is the book we use for the meetings but others are equally useful.

Plant Life of Edinburgh and the Lothians pub 1988

Stace 'New Flora of the British Isles' Fourth Edition pub 2019

Collins Flower Guide

Wild Flowers of Britain & Ireland - Marjorie Blamey, Richard Fitter, Alastair Fitter

Plant Crib 1998 by Tim Rich and Clive Jermy. Also on the BSBI website.

The Vegetative Key to the British Flora - John Poland and Eric Clement

The Wild Flower Key - Francis Rose - only flowers, no sedges and ferns, however useful identification tips.

Collins book on Trees of Britain and Northern Europe

BSBI handbook on Grasses

Grasses - C E Hubbard - pub 1954 but still very popular

BSBI Sedges

BSBI Pondweeds

BSBI Fumitories of Britain and Ireland

BSBI Eyebrights of the UK and Ireland

BSBI Willows and Poplars

The Fern Guide by James Merryweather