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The group welcomes enthusiastic botanists to come out to meetings from May to September. We mainly meet on Fridays but can arrange other days. Beginners are very welcome and can be helped with identification. Our main purpose is to record for the Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland (BSBI) and for this we take a Monad and list flowers, sedges, rushes, grasses, ferns, trees and aquatics. The coast of East Lothian is rich in coastal plants including orchids and lime loving species; Aberlady Nature Reserve, Yellowcraigs and Belhaven Bay are of particular interest. The diversity of the area is shown in the upland areas of the Lammermuirs and The Pentlands with their mountain flowers - Cloudberries and Bog Asphodel amongst many. With aquatics, fun can be had with throwing a grapnel and looking at Pondweeds, Stoneworts (so smelly) and Bladderworts. Unusual trees and fruits were planted in East Lothian with the influence of estates and fruit nurseries; Walnut, Turkey Oak and plums in hedges.
We look forward to seeing you.