Project Ideas

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Example Project Ideas

Why do people choke up on a bat?

How can you tell if dice are “fair”?

Is there a difference between different plant fertilizers?

What is the effect of light, soil type, music, temperature, oxygen, or water on plant growth?

Will cut flowers really last longer when the flower freshness packet is added to the water? Is it any better than adding sugar?

Which battery lasts longer, Duracell or Energizer?

What conditions will make a seed grow fastest (temperature, moisture, etc.)?

Why do they salt roads in winter?

What kind of paper towel cleans up spills best?

What happens when I put a shell in vinegar? What happens to a rock? How about a penny?

What is the effect of temperature, light, and moisture on the growth of bread or cheese mold?

What is the effect of exercise or music on heart rate?

What is the effect of friction on the speed of an object?

Does friction generate heat?

Which gum holds its flavor longer?

Do boys really like blue and girls really like pink?

What happens to a piece of bread forgotten in my locker? Is it different if the bread is in a paper bag, or a plastic one? Does the amount of moisture affect the results?

What type of dishwasher liquid cleans more dishes?

Which metal conducts heat best?

How much salt does it take to float an egg?

Do different types of apples have the same number of seeds?

Will bananas brown faster on the counter or in the refrigerator?

Does water with salt evaporate faster than water without salt?

Can you separate salt from water by freezing?

What keeps things colder, plastic wrap or foil?

Does the color of a material affect its absorption of heat?

Which materials absorb the most water?

Does the color of water effect its evaporation?

What materials provide the best insulation?

What materials will sink or float in water? Why?

Anything else that sparks your curiosity!!