POD Squad

How to Volunteer

How Can You Volunteer?

Every parent at Loma Portal Elementary is a member

of the Loma Portal Foundation’s POD Squad -- and we

need you. Parents of Dolphins, now is the time to

participate in your child's educational experience.

The Loma Portal Foundation is a non-profit

organization that provides an avenue for tax-exempt

contributions and gifts to benefit Loma Portal Elementary. It provides financial

assistance, support and services for the instructional, educational, and

recreational needs of our students, including academic and athletic

programs, equipment, improvement to programs and enhancement of the

physical structures. You can find more information about POD Squad

volunteer opportunities on Konstella. Still need to sign up for Konstella?


Please take a moment to look over the following committees on Konstella

and sign up for any you may be interested in. There are opportunities for

everyone, whether you work full-time or are a stay-at-home parent. It takes

all of us to continue the valued programs, events, and services that make

Loma Portal great.

Now that you are signed up with Konstella, the Volunteer Interest will be in

one central place under the Committees option. Here’s How to find it:

1. Log On to Konstella.com or the APP

2. Click on Committees on the left side (computer) or Messages and Join

Committees (APP)

3. Scroll through and read the Committee Descriptions.

4. See one that interests you, click the button for the openings and sign

yourself up for a Lead or Member. This is not a commitment, it just lets us

know who to contact for volunteer opportunities.

We will be in contact with more info and the option for volunteer sign ups for

each committee.

Sign Up For Volunteer Opportunities Here on Konstella!

2022/2023 COMMITTEES

*Annual Giving/Giving Tuesday : Donation campaigns

Auction: Annual online, silent, and live auction event

Book Fair: Fall/Spring: prepare/promote/oversee week-long event

Coin Drive: Organize and promote collection of donations for LPE families in need.

*Community Contributions: Organize and promote sign ups for Amazon Smile, Ralph's Club and Box Tops

*Dad’s Club: Build and run the Monster Bash haunted house, grill at events, odd jobs at school

*Donation Station: Weekly after-school snack stand with sign-ups, donations of snacks

*Ecological Schoolyard: Outdoor Learning Environment, Garden, site beautification, campus art

Everyone-A-Reader: Weekly 1-on-1 reading w/students

Family Dance/Movie Night: Organize dances and movie nights

Family Dinner Nights: Plan and advertise monthly restaurant fundraisers

*Grant Writing: Research and apply for grants

Guidance Assistant Volunteer: Assist our Guidance Assistant in certifying LPE as a "No Place for Hate" School

Holiday Food Drive: Organize and run the annual food drive for LPE families

Holiday Gift Shop: Organize and run the annual gift shop where kids shop for gifts during the holidays.

Hospitality: Plan staff luncheons and Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week

Incoming TK/Kinder: Help with TK/K Tours, plan/run Day as a Dolphin and summer play dates

Jog-A-Thon: Organize the annual fundraiser and distribute prizes

*Konstella: Foundation Communication on events, volunteering, sign ups, and announcements.

*Legacy Brick Campaign: Collect legacy brick orders, organize installation

Library Helpers: Assist classes in the library, help shelve books, and help students check books in and out.

*Logowear: Inventory and sales of school spirit wear

Monster Bash: Halloween carnival w/games, food, etc.

POD Squad Mixer: Organize family meet-and-greet with free dinner before 1st Foundation mtg.

*Recycling: Organize CRV recycling to raise money for LPE

Red Ribbon Week: Organize and run a week of promoting healthy lifestyles

Run for Life: Oversee our before school running program, track laps, award prizes

*Sip and Shop: Plan “Moms Night Out” shopping fundraiser

*Social Media: Post and promote school events and info on Facebook and Instagram

Spring Music Festival: All-student performance with carnival and food.

*Student Art Fundraiser: Organize and promote student artwork fundraiser and tiles.

Take a Vet to School Day: Organize and promote assembly for Retired/Active Duty military. Guests speak in classroomsclassrooms

Technical GURU: Help with set up of Sound, speaker, and other technical equipment needed for large after school events and assemblies.

Variety Show: Production of Virtual show that is watched in person on the blacktop. Some live performances.

*Webmaster: Oversee and update our website.

*Yearbook: Creation, sales, and distribution of memory book for the school year

*4th Grade Parent Team: 4th grade fundraising, activities, and promotion planning

Items with an asterisk (*) are great for working parents!

Have a question? Email Foundation President Devon Gaudet (lomaportal.school@gmail.com)