Loco-Manipulation: Algorithms, Challenges & Applications

Full Day Workshop at the 2024 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)

Friday, May 17th, Conference Center 414-415

This workshop will focus on synergies between locomotion and manipulation.

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Locomotion and manipulation are two essential skills that enable robots to interact effectively with their environment. Recently, there has been significant interest in the robotics community regarding the integration of these skills, known as loco-manipulation. In this workshop, we will explore the latest advancements in loco-manipulation, covering topics such as planning and whole-body control strategies, perception, and machine learning approaches, and the mechanical design of the loco-manipulation hardware. We will also discuss the challenges that arise when combining these two skills, such as balancing stability and dexterity. This workshop aims at connecting people from various backgrounds with a rich mix of inspiring talks, interactive panel discussions, and encouraging poster sessions in the emerging field of loco-manipulation.

Invited Speakers

Pulkit Agrawal


Alin Albu-Schäffer

TU Munich

Georgia Chalvatzaki 

TU Darmstadt

Sören Kerner

Fraunhofer IML

Victor Klemm

ETH Zurich

Kei Okada

University of Tokyo

Michael Posa

University of Pennslylvania

Marc Toussaint

TU Berlin


Oliver Urbann

Lamarr Institute,
Fraunhofer IML

Julian Eßer 

Lamarr Institute,
Fraunhofer IML

Ioannis Havoitis

University of Oxford

Shivesh Kumar

Chalmers, DFKI

Gabriel Margolis


Carlos Mastalli

Heriot-Watt University

Claudio Semini


Olivier Stasse



Accepted contributions are listed here