Lockbox Local is a secure deposit payment app with mutual funds release for local transactions that are completed in person

Selling/Buying online can be risky; are you going to meet the next craigslist killer?

Your key to safe secure local transactions @ the intersection of local sellers and buyers

So you used an app to sell your extra stuff, or buy that awesome item...

Now you have to meet a stranger and make the exchange, money for item. Is it sketch? Are you worried?

Lockbox Local makes the exchange less risky. Users are registered with their name, cell phone #, address, and account info.

No cash needed, the Buyer has deposited money in Lockbox Local, just click approve to complete the transaction.

Lockbox Local - get assurance

The idea for Lockbox Local

came when I started using Letgo. No matter where I would meet the buyer, especially at my home, it was scary. And sometimes they would try to renegotiate the price or not show at all.

Lockbox Local solves 3 problems

- It's less likely something bad will happen

- It's more likely the buyer will show up

- No cash required, no renegotiation the price
