Logic, logic, and logic at the Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University

This is a small and simple website designed to keep track of meetings organised by two research groups in logic that are part of the Graduate School of Information Sciences (GSIS), Tohoku University. One of the groups is led by Takako Nemoto, and the other is led by Hitoshi Omori. We do not meet on a regular basis, since we are collaborating closely with the group led by Takeshi Yamazaki and Keita Yokokama which is part of the Mathematical Institute, Tohoku University. However, we do host guests from time to time, and we organise small workshops as a small sign of appreciation of the visit whenever it is feasible. (Sincere apologies in advance if we could not organise one on the occasion of your visit due to some reasons!) You can find about the details of those events here.Â