김은설 Eunseol Kim


보청기를 사용하고 있지만 귀로 듣는 것보다 자신의 시각과 다른 감각으로 소통한다. 감각과 감정, 기억을 세밀히 탐구하며, 듣는다는 게 무엇인지 자기 존재의 의미와 본질에 질문을 가지고 드로잉, 설치, 영상 매체를 아우르며 작업하고 있다. 개인전 ‘중간언어’(탈영역우정국, 2023), ‘덤불숲’(청주미술창작스튜디오, 2020), ‘풀실놀이’(룬트갤러리, 2018)를 개최했고, 단체전 ‘건네는 진동’(성북마을극장, 2022), ‘듣다-보다’(JCC아트센터, 2022) 등의 전시와 소리를 주고받는 ‘므브프’(2021~) 프로젝트, 워크숍, 퍼포먼스로 활동하고 있다.

Although using a hearing aid, the artist communicates through a sensory experience different from traditional auditory perception. They intricately explore sensation, emotion, and memory, questioning the meaning and essence of their existence. Their work encompasses drawing, installation, and video, delving into what it truly means to 'listen,' which goes beyond mere hearing.

They have held solo exhibitions such as ‘Intermediate Language' (2023, Post Territory Ujeongguk), 'Thicket' (2020, The Cheong-ju Art Studio), and ‘Glue Play’ (2018, Rund Gallery). They have also participated in group exhibitions like ’The Handed-Over Vibrations’ (2022, Sungbuk Village Theater) and 'To Hear-To See' (2022, JCC Art Center), as well as engaging in the ongoing ‘MBP’ project, which focuses on sound exchange, workshops, and performances.