Old Testament Course

Meeting Dates

Tuesday, September 15, 22, 29 and October 6

6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Via Zoom

Purpose of course

1. To grow in faith and understanding of Scripture and Tradition.

2. To gain a deeper understanding of the Old Testament.

3. Identify and utilize new tools, techniques and strategies to use in catechesis.

class resources

Explore the Scriptures and Tradition of the Church using the following online resources.

Session 1 Presentation

OTCourse 1_Sept 15 2020.pptx

session 2 presentation

OTCourse_Session2 Sept 22 2020.pptx

Session 3 Presentation

OTCourse_Session3_Sept 292020.pptx

Session 4 Resources

Live Confirmed Bitmoji
OTCourse 100620_Session4.pptx