Words Are my Business

English/Catalan > Spanish Translator and Editor

What I do: 

The difference: 

Published Translations:

Young adult fiction / Children's books:

Adult novels:

Short stories: 

Articles:  journalism, economy... A sample would be this one for Kellogg School of Management: https://insight.kellogg.northwestern.edu/es/article/name-letter_branding

About me

I have a degree in English Philology and a MA in Hispanic Studies, completed in the US, where I was a Spanish lecturer and started my career as an interpreter and translator in 1996. I also write my own fiction in both English and Spanish when time permits. 

I attend professional conferences and workshops in my specialty subjects, such as medicine or literature, as well as in typographic and style correction. I belong to the professional association of literary translators ACEtt. 

My love for language and my concern about the quality of the final product make me an excellent choice for your Spanish language needs.

Personal publications (fiction or about the profession)


