About Lisa

The true Hero's Journey begins when the Dragon slays you

Most people can attest to something that entirely changed the course of their lifeHaving turned the corner after one such experience, I've dedicated my life to supporting others seeking healing - spirit, mind and body - no matter what their challenge.  

For decades, life flowed. I grew up in Santa Monica, CA, and graduated from UCLA to find work in the highly-coveted film industry.  Finding little gratification in the culture, I gave up following the voice saying, "you  should.." for the artist inside saying, "let me!"  I returned to music, and finally became a professional singer & pianist.   Through a marriage, a move to Orlando, two children, and a divorce, I went from teaching piano to writing songs, recording cd's, performing concerts, singing in hotels, events - even hospital bedsides - and music directing, which became a joyful community committed to helping people shine brightly!   I won multiple songwriting awards, and later, was commissioned to write and narrate a handful of documentary-style videos.  Several went wildly viral on YouTube, with total views totalling more than 40 million.  I learned the value of investigating for truth, and just how disconnect we are from the inner resources which support us in finding it. 


After moving from Florida to Tennessee, something felt off.  Small seizures revealed that I had a large type two meningioma brain tumor.  It was removed, and I tried to carry on as usual... but an undertone of fear permeated all I did.  I lost trust in myself, and feeling vulnerable and confused, grasped whatever provided comfort.  A shadow of my former self, I started cleaning houses. Even that created panic.

“There is no more serious diagnosis in all human beings than a brain tumor, because it not only is a medical issue that has to be treated, but it actually affects the psyche, the soul of the entire personhood of a human being"

Dr. Seven Kalkanis,  CEO, Henry Ford Medical Group, HF Hospital;
Executive VP HF Health, Past-President, Congress of Neurological Surgeons

Four years later, a recurring tumor was again removed, followed by complications that led to two more surgeries to save my life.  Seeing I couldn't withstand another brain surgery, multiple doctors advised preventative radiation.  Reluctantly, I consented.  Thirty treatments later, my brain was free of malignant cells, but the physical damage to my right hemisphere left me feeling like I'd willingly stepped into a horror movie;  seizures, imbalance, loss of sight and proprioception, exhaustion, chronic pain, no sensation on my left side... all which left very little capacity for joy.  I'd wake each day into a rigid, numb awkward body, chronically stuck in a state of panic:  "I chose this?"  The thought of leaving it felt like relief. 

Claiming most healing happens within the first year, doctors encouraged rest, but at the end of 2021,  little had changed physically, Having always been passionately driven and quick witted, I was now living with the effects of TBI: traumatic brain injuryA shadow of my former self, I doubted I'd ever trust again.  

“… nightmares jolt you awake in the dead of night, because few can grasp the private hell you will at times experience.”

Liz Holzemer, “Curveball: When life throws you a brain tumor”

Choice point: wither and fade, or do whatever it takes to heal, accepting that I had no control of the outcome.   At the start of 2022, I embraced the latter:  along with stringent self care, each day I straddled accepting and loving myself with my injuries, while envisioning and feeling myself as healed.  Remarkably.. in only a week, the violent seizures ende .. a promise of what was to come. 

Two years later, though not "perfect," the physical and mental healing I've experienced is nothing short of remarkable.  Neuroplasticity has actually "rewired" my brain's capabilities.  During this time, I became a Profesional Credentialed Certified Life coach, and NVC Trainer Candidate, I've deepened my understanding the role of music/sound in healing, and returned to performing musically.   While my latest MRI still shows nasty scars of incredible trauma, my neurologist nonetheless stated:

“Lisa, if I hadn’t met you first,
I - or any other other neurologist looking at this MRI -
would expect that you could not walk,
had very limited motor coordination on the left side of your body
… and yes, cognitive impairment.”

Ryan T. Merrell BS, MD. Chief, Division of Neuro-Oncology, and Associate Professor Vanderbilt Medical 

My healing did not occur as result of a physical "to do" list.  

It began by accepting life on life's terms, taking full accountability for healing, and compassionately addressing the overwhelming shame and anger I felt.  Choosing from love has allowed me to hold myself and others gently when it's hardest to do.  

It's my privilege now, to support others who are seeking growth, knowing the answers are within you!   Healing is not only possible, it's the inevitable consequence of being honest, open and willing to receive the wisdom our body and our soul are offering us 27/7.  
You matter, you belong, and with Love, all things are possible. 


1st love: fur babies.


sassy 80's teen

Dave- my children's father 

The LF band

home birth

work and motherhood

sweetest days

Unity church choir 

living passion



bad news.

love poured in

hard times

daughter's love

Playing again

 moving forward
