
The main purpose of the Lions Mar Mediterráneo Camp is to ensure that participants have a pleasant and unforgettable experience, with an attractive program full of recreational, educational and cultural activities adapted to them, seeking at all times an active participation voluntarily, trying to get including integration and adaptation considering that they are a multicultural group with the idiosyncrasies of each country of origin

The general objectives proposed in the camp:

To inform young people about the meaning of Lions Club Internacional, as well as the purpose of the youth exchange program.

Encourage in young people respect for cultural diversity and understanding among them.

Strengthen positive values ​​for coexistence, such as equality, respect, empathy, nonviolence, solidarity, etc.

Facilitate direct contact with the nature and knowledge of our environment.

Promote the learning of skills and personal relationships through sociocultural animation techniques.

Motivate the positive role of the attendees through their participation in the activities.