Our Camp

Lions Mar Mediterraneo Camp is constituted with the purpose of participating in this program to young people from all over the world, developing and promoting all aspects of it.

In an ideal setting, within the Valencian Community, our camp will be held in Elche, at the facilities of Leisure and Activities Center La Loma company with great prestige and professionalism in the realization of camps. There you will enjoy a program of cultural, gastronomic, solidarity, multiadventure, aquatic activities ... in contact with the nature of our surroundings.

Our mission is that all young people involved in this great experience have ties of union and friendship that will last over time and anywhere.

The camp consists of family stay and youth living in the chosen facilities. The family stay will take place in two periods, one week before and three days after the youth living together.

Safety and health FIRST

The safety of our participants, monitors, coordinators, auxiliary personnel and collaborators is our highest priority. As a rule we never run unnecessary risks and this year they are too high. Therefore our camp is postponed to the summer 2022