SSoL 2016

The 10th Summer School of Linguistics will take place from 21 to 27 August 2016 in Litomyšl, Czech Republic. It was financially supported by the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague.

Su 21/08

10:00–11:10 ARRIVAL

11:20–12:30 ARRIVAL

14:00–15:10 Allen: The effect of discourse-pragmatics on referential choice in children I

15:20–16:30 Allen: The effect of discourse-pragmatics on referential choice in children II

17:00–18:10 Vihman: Ways with words: Cross-linguistic acquisition of morphology I

18:20–19:30 Fulka: Deafness and Sign Language in Western Tradition

Mo 22/08

10:00–11:10 Skarabela: Is 'choochoo' better than 'train'?: The role of baby-talk words in early language development I

11:20–12:30 Vihman: Ways with words: Cross-linguistic acquisition of morphology II

14:00–15:10 WORKSHOPS:

A) Lukeš: The Python programming language: An introductory phrasebook for linguists I

B) Zádrapa: Structural Pecularities of Old and Modern Chinese I

15:20–16:30 WORKSHOPS:

A) Lukeš: The Python programming language: An introductory phrasebook for linguists II

B) Zádrapa: Structural Pecularities of Old and Modern Chinese II

17:00–18:10 Lukács: Natural language acquisition and statistical learning I

18:20–19:30 FREE TIME

Tu 23/08

10:00–11:10 POSTER SESSION

11:20–12:30 POSTER SESSION

14:00–15:10 WORKSHOPS:

A) Lukeš: The Python programming language: An introductory phrasebook for linguists III

B) Zádrapa: Structural Pecularities of Old and Modern Chinese III

15:20–16:30 Skarabela: Is 'choochoo' better than 'train'?: The role of baby-talk words in early language development II

17:00–18:10 Allen: Cross-linguistic priming in adult bilinguals

18:20–19:30 Lukács: Natural language acquisition and statistical learning II

We 24/08

10:00–11:10 Smolík: Early reference to 1st and 2nd person: does it depend on language or social cognition [alternate talk]

11:20–12:30 Allen: Developing tools for language assessment in Inuktitut (CDI, LARSP, calculating MLU)

14:00–15:10 WORKSHOPS:

A) Lukeš: The Python programming language: An introductory phrasebook for linguists IV

B) Zádrapa: Structural Pecularities of Old and Modern Chinese IV

15:20–16:30 Duběda: Intonation: from contours to tones

17:00–18:10 Majid: Semantic typology: General introduction

18:20–19:30 Bakker: Contact languages. An overview

Th 25/08

10:00–11:10 FREE TIME

11:20–12:30 FREE TIME

14:00–15:10 Dediu: Introduction to genetics for language scientists I

15:20–16:30 Majid: The language of perception

17:00–18:10 Bakker: Typology of creole languages

18:20–19:30 Haspelmath: Explaining universals of syntactic argument coding I

Fr 26/08

10:00–11:10 Haspelmath: Explaining universals of syntactic argument coding II

11:20–12:30 WORKSHOPS:

A) Lukeš: The Python programming language: An introductory phrasebook for linguists V

B) Zádrapa: Structural Pecularities of Old and Modern Chinese V

14:00–15:10 Dediu: Introduction to genetics for language scientists II

15:20–16:30 Dediu: Introduction to genetics for language scientists III

17:00–18:10 Majid: Event semantics

18:20–19:30 Bakker: Mixed languages and other new languages

Sa 27/08

10:00–11:10 Dediu: Language does not evolve in void: anatomical and physiological biases in language change and evolution

11:20–12:30 WORKSHOPS:

A) Lukeš: The Python programming language: An introductory phrasebook for linguists VI

B) Zádrapa: Structural Pecularities of Old and Modern Chinese VI


Shanley Allen (Technische Universität Kaiserslautern)

Peter Bakker (Aarhus University)

Dan Dediu (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen)

Tomáš Duběda (Charles University, Prague)

Josef Fulka (Charles University, Prague)

Martin Haspelmath (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena)

Ágnes Lukács (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)

David Lukeš (Charles University, Prague)

Asifa Majid (Radboud University Nijmegen)

Barbora Skarabela (University of Edinburgh)

Filip Smolík (Czech Academy of Sciences)

Virve-Anneli Vihman (University of Tartu)

Lukáš Zádrapa (Charles University, Prague)

Lecture abstracts

Lecture abstract here