SSoL 2015

The 9th Summer School of Linguistics took place from 15 to 21 August 2015 in Dačice, Czech Republic. It was financially supported by the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague.

Sa 15/08

10:00–11:10 ARRIVAL

11:20–12:30 ARRIVAL

14:00–15:10 ARRIVAL

15:20–16:30 Havlíček: Evolution of communication

17:00–18:10 Dunn: Evolutionary analysis of linguistic change I

18:20–19:30 Dunn: Evolutionary analysis of linguistic change II

Su 16/08

10:00–11:10 Havlíček: Human chemosensory communication

11:20–12:30 Smolík: Challenges in studying children's morphosyntax: comprehension of case and agreement

14:00–15:10 Dunn: Evolutionary analysis of linguistic change III

15:20–16:30 Keuleers: From the lab to the crowd: How megastudies and crowdsourcing are advancing psycholinguistics

17:00–18:10 FREE TIME

18:20–19:30 FREE TIME

Mo 17/08

10:00–11:10 POSTER SESSION

11:20–12:30 POSTER SESSION

14:00–15:10 Keuleers: When, where, and by whom words happen: A unified view on measures of word frequency, contextual diversity, and word prevalence

15:20–16:30 Karpiński: Exploring the boundaries of language I

17:00–18:10 WORKSHOPS:

A) Dotlačil: How to study and analyze reading – two experimental methods

B) Mačutek & Koščová: Cluster analysis and its application in the classification of languages/texts

18:20–19:30 FREE TIME

Tu 18/08

10:00–11:10 FREE TIME

11:20–12:30 Karpiński: Exploring the boundaries of language II

14:00–15:10 WORKSHOPS:

A) Dotlačil: How to study and analyze reading – two experimental methods

B) Mačutek & Koščová: Cluster analysis and its application in the classification of languages/texts

15:20–16:30 WORKSHOPS:

A) Dotlačil: How to study and analyze reading – two experimental methods

B) Mačutek & Koščová: Cluster analysis and its application in the classification of languages/texts

17:00–18:10 E. Sneed German: Online processing in L1 and L2: Similarities and differences revealed by ERPs

18:20–19:30 J. Sneed German: Hybrid Models in Phonology

We 19/08

10:00–11:10 FREE TIME

11:20–12:30 FREE TIME

14:00–15:10 WORKSHOPS:

A) Dotlačil: How to study and analyze reading – two experimental methods

B) Mačutek & Koščová: Cluster analysis and its application in the classification of languages/texts

15:20–16:30 J. Sneed German: Variability in the Prosodic Realization of Focus

17:00–18:10 Beňuš: Entrainment in spoken interactions I

18:20–19:30 Skarnitzl: How Is the Speaker’s Identity Reflected in the Speech Signal? I

Th 20/08

10:00–11:10 Pešková: Romance vs. Slavic Pro-Drop

11:20–12:30 Skarnitzl: How Is the Speaker’s Identity Reflected in the Speech Signal? II

14:00–15:10 WORKSHOPS:

A) Dotlačil: How to study and analyze reading – two experimental methods

B) Mačutek & Koščová: Cluster analysis and its application in the classification of languages/texts

15:20–16:30 Kopecka: Motion events across and within languages I

17:00–18:10 Szewczyk: What ERPs tell us about prediction in language comprehension? I

18:20–19:30 Beňuš: Entrainment in spoken interactions II

Fr 21/08

10:00–11:10 WORKSHOPS:

A) Dotlačil: How to study and analyze reading – two experimental methods

B) Mačutek & Koščová: Cluster analysis and its application in the classification of languages/texts

11:20–12:30 Kopecka: Motion events across and within languages II

14:00–15:10 Szewczyk: What ERPs tell us about prediction in language comprehension? II


Štefan Beňuš (Univerzita Konstantina Filozofa v Nitře)

Jakub Dotlačil (University of Groningen)

Michael Dunn (Uppsala University)

Jan Havlíček (Univerzita Karlova v Praze)

Maciej Karpiński (Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań, Poland)

Emmanuel Keeulers (Ghent University)

Anetta Kopecka (Université Lyon 2)

Grzegorz Krajewski (University of Warsaw)

Ágnes Lukács (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)

Ján Mačutek (Univerzita Komenského v Bratislavě)

Andrea Pešková (Universität Hamburg)

Radek Skarnitzl (Univerzita Karlova v Praze)

Elisa Sneed German (Aix-Marseille Université)

James Sneed German (Aix-Marseille Université)

Jakub Szewczyk (Uniwersytet Jagielloński)

Lecture abstracts

Lecture abstracts here