
We've got you covered!

Faculty (including me), counselors, student tutors, and more are ready to help you reach your educational goals.

    • We can help you with your course schedule, choosing classes, finding student aid, study skills, locating and using sources for an essay--you name it, we have someone who can help.

    • To locate the service you need, see the services listed below.

    • Don’t see what you’re looking for? No problem. Just reach out via Canvas or email.

Let's get to know each other!

  • Drop by my "Zoom Room" and say hi!

  • Go to Canvas > Course Calendar to make an office-hours appointment today!

What's my role?

As your course instructor, I'm your first contact for help you need in this course.

    • If something doesn't make sense, sounds confusing, or you'd just like more information, let me know.

    • Use that Canvas Inbox we talked about.

    • During designated office hours, we can meet online via Zoom videoconference (appointments are available for signup on our Canvas course calendar).

    • If you're having difficulty using Canvas, let me know.

    • But if Canvas stops working for some reason or you're experiencing technical issues, please see Canvas Assistance below.

Academic Resources

Our Q&A Page on Canvas

      • Got questions? Before sending a message through the Canvas Inbox, check out our Q&A Page.

      • If you don't see an answer to your question, you may want to add a new post to the page, and check back for a response.

Canvas Assistance

      • Take a look at this Canvas Student Guide for help with adjusting your Notifications, and tips on how to successfully submit assignments and more.

      • There is also a 24/7 Canvas Helpdesk, just call: 844-303-0352.

Tutoring Services & Active Learning

      • So far, there is no linguistics tutoring available through the "Smarthinking Access" free online tutoring services available to students of online courses at SMC. For more information about Smarthinking Access (available through Canvas), see introductory videos on this page.

      • However, we do have linguistics tutoring available through the Modern Languages Department at SMC! To setup an appointment with a tutor, you'll need to login to your Corsair Connect. You can meet with your linguistics tutor through Zoom online videoconferencing or on campus, when possible. Please check the Modern Languages Department "Language Tutoring" website for tutoring updates and links.

Preferred Names & Gender Identity Affirmation

      • Language matters. I will gladly honor your request to address you by a preferred name or gender pronoun(s).

      • Please advise me of your preference early in the semester so we can work together to update course records & support each other in these adjustments.

      • You now have the option of indicating your preferred first name (personal name) and gender pronouns in Corsair Connect. Please see this page for instructions on how to make this change to your Corsair Connect profile.

Accommodations & Support for Students with Special Needs

      • I will make appropriate adjustments for students with special needs.

      • Please share with me any letters of accommodation from the Center for Students with Disabilities as soon as possible.

      • Our Center for Students with Disabilities is located in the Student Services building on campus, and can be reached by phone: (310) 434-4265.

More About Linguistics

The Linguist List (@LinguistList)

      • Subscribe to this *free* international daily (or weekly) listserv that announces scholarships, fellowships, academic and industry jobs, conferences, and more. If possible, I’ll add the RSS feed to Canvas.

The Vocal Fries Podcast (@VocalFriesPod)

      • Awesome podcast about discrimination on the basis of language.

AllThingsLinguistic (@AllThingsLing)

      • Great resource (blog & podcast) for popular questions about language and the field of linguistics.

      • Summer school sponsored by the Linguistic Society of America, for undergraduate and graduate students, and designed to provide access to courses and topics that may not be available at your home institution.

LISO interest group – Language, Interaction, and Social Organization (hosted by UCLA, UCSB)

      • *Free* listserv for linguistic anthropologists and sociocultural linguists. Annual conference in May.

      • *Free* conference held on campus in May. Abstract submissions due in March.

      • Thinktank and nonprofit research center; also offers internships.

      • *Free* overseas, summer language study; fully funded by the U.S. Department of State for languages of strategic importance to the U.S. (e.g., Arabic, Bangla, Japanese, Persian, Swahili, Turkish...). Applications due in November.

Linguists on Twitter

(this list, in no particular order, is not exhaustive... just a starting point!)

    • Scholars of Color in Language Studies @SCinLS

    • Lingthusiasm Podcast @lingthusiasm

    • Society for Linguistic Anthro @SocLingAnth

    • Linguistic Society of America @LingSocAm

    • American Assoc for Applied Lingx @AAALinks

    • Dr. Uju Anya @UjuAnya

    • Dr. Jonathan Rosa @DrJonathanRosa

    • Dr. Emma Trentman @emmatrentman

    • Kelly M. Yoshida, MA @typologianista

    • Jane Solomon @janesolomon

    • Dr. Nicole Holliday @mixedlinguist

    • Dr. Suzanne Evans Wagner @redbirdred

    • Dr. Lina Hou @linasigns

    • Dr. Fatma Said @Arabizi

    • Dr. Anne Charity Hudley @ACharityHudley

    • Dr. Nelson Flores @nelsonflores

    • Dr. Christine Schreyer @C_Schreyer

    • Joyhanna Yoo Garza, MA @joy_yoo_garza

    • Dr. Christine Mallinson @clmallinson

    • Gretchen McCulloch @GretchenAMcC

    • Juan R. Luna Díaz-Durán @Juan_LunaDD

    • Dr. Lal Zimman @Lzimman

    • Dr. Norma Mendoza-Denton @normamd8

Don’t forget. I’m here to help, too. I’m not an expert on everything, but I can help you find someone who is.