
My Grading Practice

  • I care about your success!

  • Real-talk, grading is an extremely complex task.

  • For this course, grading is a combination of criterion- and norm-referenced approaches. This means that I assign grades based on how students perform relative to other students, and also how well they achieve course goals. I look for natural breaks in the class's distribution as a way to make distinctions.

Your Active Participation is Crucial

In order to receive a passing grade in this course, you will need to participate regularly and substantively.

      • Research has shown that active involvement in learning increases what is remembered, and how well new information is assimilated (added to what we already know).

      • When you interact with our course materials by forming your own questions, and following up with personal examples, this increases our ability to connect and apply this new information to new situations.

Course Requirements: Each Aspect of the Course is Weighted

To successfully complete the course, you will need to submit all assignments and complete the final exam.

How your coursework is weighted (out of a total of 100%):

      • Attendance, participation & contributions to class discussion: 40%

      • Exploration assignments: 15%

      • Quizzes: 15%

      • Tests: 10%

      • Final exam: 20%

If you earn a 91% or above of the total points possible in this class, you will likely receive an A. This shows that you met all requirements for the course, and demonstrated your learning to an exceptional degree. Scores between 81% and 90% are a B, and scores below 71% indicate a D or lower, etc.

Your Grade By The Percentage

91% or above on coursework = A

  • The student met all requirements and demonstrated excellent and/or exceptional learning.

81% to 90% = B

71% to 80%= C

61% to 70% = D

Below 60% = F

How your coursework is weighted in Linguistics 1.

I know that getting good grades can sometimes be stressful.

  • To help reduce that stress and improve the likelihood of getting your best grades, allow yourself the time and space you need to do your best work.

  • Don't procrastinate, and if you get stuck on an assignment, reach out to me or one of your peers.

  • I welcome your questions and I'm happy to help you think through your ideas so you can successfully complete an assignment. You know how to reach me, right?