Summary: Warrant Articles for the March 2024 Annual Town Meeting
Get a preview of what residents will vote on at the upcoming Town Meeting on March 23
Attending and voting at Town Meeting is the best way to play a role in determining how major decisions happening in town will impact you, your family, and the town as a whole.
Whether you have concerns about taxes, traffic, or upcoming big projects like the proposed Community Center or the proposed rezoning of the Lincoln Station area, it's critical to show up and vote in person. These decisions do not appear on a ballot at a polling station. You must attend Town Meeting to be counted. It's worth it—Show up!
Click here to read all the warrant articles
Of particular interest are the following two warrant articles:
To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning Map and Bylaw, Section 12 Overlay Districts by adding a
new Section 12.9 titled Multi-Family and Mixed-Use Overlay Districts; and, further, to amend Section 23
Definitions by adding definitions, including: 3A District; Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities
(EOHLC); Live/Work Unit; Multi-Family Housing; and Street Activating Uses; and further that non-substantive
changes to the numbering of this bylaw be permitted to comply with the numbering format of the Town of
Lincoln Zoning Bylaw; or take any action relative thereto.
NOTE: This change will create a multi-family overlay district that meets the requirements MGL Chapter 40A,
Section 3A; and a mixed-use district that meets the requirements of a mandatory mixed-use district as defined
We recommend voting "no" so that residents can come together to make it better in time for the December deadline.
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money by taxation, by transfer from available
funds, including stabilization funds, by borrowing or any combination thereof, to purchase an electronic
voting system, including the cost of training and maintenance; or take any other action relative thereto.
We recommend voting "yes", so that voting at Town Meetings can be more efficient, more accurate, more secure, and more private.