Me in Media


Podcast Appearance to Promote Project

I guest starred on Pearle Wae's podcast, Beyond Le Code, to promote a project me, Pearle, and our colleague Rachael created called Rated R. Rated R is an interactive toolkit to help people stay resilient while seeing traumatic material online. You can listen to the episode here.

Editor-in-Chief Premiere Party Speech

This is a video of the primiere party for the print edition of The Rights Stuff: The Review of Human Rights at Berkeley. My speech, as Founder and Editor-in-Chief, begins at 1:40 and goes until 9:40.

Discussing Puerto Rican Statehood for Berkeley Political Review

I was one of a handful of staffers selected to do a video promotion for my article. You can read about my article on Puerto Rican statehood in the wake of the 2017 hurricanes here.


Berkeley News Article on Rated R

Journalist Gretchen Kell interviewed me and my Rated R co-founders for the piece "Graphic violence online: Campus human rights lab pioneers safer viewing".

Amnesty International Article on Rated R

My Rated R co-founders and I wrote a guest piece on Amnesty International's Citizen Evidence Lab blog to promote resilience practices withing open-source investigation spaces.