Writing Samples


Building Resilience: How to Bend, Not Break

Concerned about the mental health of journalists covering the exhausting year of 2020, Executive Director of OnlineSOS commissioned me for this piece based on my experience with resilience practices.

Human Rights and Indigenous Sovereignty

I wrote this piece for my publication, The Rights Stuff, based off of an essay that I wrote for my Native American Legal Studies course. It details the history of indigenous sovereignty in the U.S. and why I believe indigenous sovereignty is important for indigenous human rights.

The United States... And Territories: The State of Puerto Rico

This is the first article I wrote for the Berkeley Political Review. It is part of a continuing series about the U.S. territories. To see more of my writings for Berkeley Political Review please visit this link.

Academic Writing

A Silent Massacre: The Development of Under-Development in Guatemala

I wrote this essay for my Development Studies 100 final. Within it I discuss the massacre of indigenous people during the Guatemalan Civil War and its ties to the development of the Guatemalan political economy.

Violence in Venezuela: A Revolution Gone Wrong

"Violence in Venezuela: A Revolution Gone Wrong" is about the current economic crisis in Venezuela: the way it came to be and the reasons why it continues to persist. I wrote it for my Peace and Conflict Studies class during my freshman year.

Flint Michigan Water Crisis: A Prologue

This is an essay that I wrote for my Environmental Science and Policy Management course. It does not tell the story of the Flint Water Crisis but, rather, the historical reasons why this crisis has been so tragic. Within it I also criticize government forces for not preventing one of the many tragedies in Flint's long history.

Secondary Languages

"La casita de sololoi": La mujer perfecta

This essay is written in Spanish. "La casita de sololoi" is a short story by Elena Poniatowska about a housewife's fever dream of another life. My essay explores Poniatowska's criticisms of female stereotypes and expectations.