Mission Statement

LAJC provides a safe and supportive environment for comprehensive counseling services through personal, community and virtual platforms to promote the growth and mental well-being for all who seek out therapy.

Vision Statement

We have a long-term vision of growth for counseling services through social media, community activism and advocacy to reach a wide array of clients seeking mental health treatment with regards to addiction, sexual and gender identity along with sexual health. We strive to help clients expand their inner strengths and skills to work toward improved emotional health and well-being.

Our Core Values

Trust – All relationships start with it. With role-modeling and engagement, counseling can build one’s trust and help improve life’s relationships.

Honesty – We are up front and real. Bring it and see where it will take you!

Collaboration – You are the teacher on your life. We are the guide, assistant, student. We learn from you as much as you will learn from counseling.

Accountability – We reach our goals when we hold ourselves to a higher standard. Showing up is half the battle. Be present, be ready. Even if you aren’t, we will be.

Respect – We give it, we appreciate it. It is mutually beneficial for successful treatment.

Commitment – Making a promise to put yourself first is selfish and that’s great! When we commit to ourselves, change can happen.