Seeking counseling and therapy can be a vulnerable process. Getting the valuable help and courage to heal can be overwhelming within itself. It is even more challenging for individuals who identify as being a part of communities that are marginalized and oppressed. However, if you are reading this right now you have already taken the first step in your healing journey.

Processing our emotions and trauma are extremely important especially now in the unjust world we are living in. The LGBTQIA+ community along with communities of color and Black communities need the most help as they have been forced to grow in a system that has been built against them. How are these communities expected to thrive when there are barriers which prevent them from doing so? Our very foundations have been created by people from these communities yet they have been deprived of the credit and appreciation. Though progress has been made this is not enough. It is up to those with privilege to use their advantages to uplift and empower these communities to create the change that we so desperately need.

The owner of Life's A Journey Counseling, LLC, Rebecca Tanguay, recognizes that she grew up privileged and is actively using her privilege to make a difference within the lives of her clients and the foundations she is a part of. There is still so much work for us to do within communities of color and Black communities. There is no excuse as to why we have not made exceptional progress however, we will continue to progress our growth within these communities with the expansion of our practice. We are holding ourselves accountable and saying, we need to do more.

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