Services We Offer

Individual Counseling

Individual counseling (sometimes called psychotherapy, talk therapy, or treatment) is a process through which clients work one-on-one with a trained mental health clinician in a safe, caring, and confidential environment. Counseling allows individuals to explore their feelings, beliefs, and behaviors, work through challenging or influential memories, identify aspects of their lives that they would like to change, better understand themselves and others, set personal goals, and work toward desired change.

Individual counseling is counseling focused on the individual's past, present and/or future concerns. Individual counseling is a one-on-one discussion between the counselor and the client, who is the person seeking treatment. The two form an alliance, relationship or bond that enables trust and personal growth.

Family Counseling

Family therapy is a type of psychological counseling (psychotherapy) that can help family members improve communication and resolve conflicts.

Family therapy is often short-term; usually 8-12 sessions. It may include all family members or just those able or willing to participate. Your specific treatment plan will depend on your family's situation. Family therapy sessions can teach you skills to deepen family connections and get through stressful times, even after you're done going to therapy sessions.

Couples Counseling

Couples therapy is a type of psychotherapy. Couples counseling helps partnerships of all types recognize and resolve conflicts and improve their relationships. Through couples counseling, you can make thoughtful decisions about rebuilding and strengthening your relationship or going your separate ways.

Couples counseling is often short-term; usually 6-12 sessions. Couples counseling typically includes all partners, but sometimes one partner chooses to work with a therapist alone. The specific treatment plan depends on the situation.

Addictions Treatment

As an outpatient service, addiction treatment will depend on the client’s level of need. If, after a full assessment the therapist believes a higher level of care is needed the provider will have a conversation with the client.

If outpatient counseling is reasonable for addictions treatment, it serves several purposes;

  • Use evidence-based treatment to identify, improve and change negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that developed the unhealthy coping skills and replace them with healthier recovery behaviors.

  • Discover risk factors and protective factors that challenge and promote successful long-term recovery.

  • Recovery maintenance (relapse prevention) is a long-term modality to encourage consistency and structure.

  • Share emotions and feelings in a supportive, therapeutic environment can improve communication and cope with stressors.

  • Set goals and plans, such as employment or education goals.

  • Acquire tools and skills to handle stressors

Sexual / Gender Identity

First, it is to understand the difference, and how they are NOT the same.

A safe space to open up and share yourself and develop your true self without judgement and more encouragement and support.

Being able to grow into your own identity is not a disorder, therefore the diagnosis of “Gender Dysphoria” is not used often, and only in specific cases will the diagnosis be primary. Typically, there are other primary concerns, and counseling is used to find out what they are.

Sexual Health / Healthy Relationships

Sex therapy is a specialized type of psychotherapy — a general term for treating mental health problems by talking with a mental health professional. Through sex therapy, you can address concerns about sexual function, sexual feelings, and intimacy, either in individual therapy or couples or family therapy. Sex therapy can be effective for individuals of any age, gender, or sexual orientation.

Group Sessions

Due to high demand and limited space, we at Life's a Journey Counseling, LLC have decided to create specific groups based on the interests clients have inquired about in outreach to us. Group sessions will be held virtually on Wednesday and/org Thursday afternoons. We request a minimum 8-week commitments in which the group sessions take place to ensure that you gain the full experience.

Gender/Sexual Identity Topics

Adult group meets weekly to discuss topics around your identity. This is a supportive psycho-educational group.

Adolescent Life - The Ups & Downs

Life has changed. That is the one constant. Change. As a young person, this is a skill that is learned. How do you cope with change? What types of change have you experienced? Bring the unknowns, questions and concerns to group, and find support within your peer group.

If you're interested in a group please fill out the form below!

There is an active waitlist. If you would like to be placed on our waiting list please email us at

You can also always schedule a free consultation to see if we are the right fit for you. If you like us we will then put you on the waiting list.
Do this via the therapy portal below.