
Library Matters India Publication Division is planning to come out with a collection of book reviews n connection with the 75th year of Indian Independence.

We are initiating Book Recommendations with Reviews to support educators in their different subject areas. These reviews will be compiled into a booklet and shared with various institutions and social media.

The first compilation of reviews will be Salaam India Digital Flip Book in honour of the 75th year of Indian Independence.

As librarians, you must have read several books related to India's Independence, and your favourite book needs to be shared. It can be of any genre and type -children, teenage or adult boom.

This compilation of book reviews will:

  1. Inspire teachers and students to build on their literacy component as recommended by the NEP.

  2. Engage students and teachers in higher-order thinking discussions that support critical and analytical thinking.

Salaam India Library Matters, India.pdf


Title : Dynamic School Libraries : activities to foster library skills

Author : Dr. Rajesh and Anitha

Publisher : International Journal of Science and Research

Description : This research paper unveils the importance of library activities at school libraries which plays a vital role to improve the reading progress. A range of activities are chosen for research and presented their findings and suggestions.

Please click here to download the full paper.