
What to Donate

Don't know what types of items to donate? 

Don't think you are crafty enough to make anything? 

You've come to the right place!

Below you will find a bunch of ideas of craft, edible, and silent auction items you can donate. 

And if your idea isn't on the list? That's great! We are always open to new items. 

Craft Items

Jewelry, aprons and other sewn items, floral arrangements, leather articles, knitted items, wooden creations, homemade candles or soap, clay products, decorated glass items, paper crafts such as greeting cards, small home décor pieces, framed stitchery, etc. 

Edible Items

Cookies, cakes, jelly or jam, vinegars, soup mixes, herb flavorings, special popcorn, candy spiced name a few!

Silent Auction Items

Weekend stays in a vacation cabin, original artwork, a handmade quilt, a local author’s book, cooking lessons, a giftcard to a favorite place, etc.