Graduate Research 

Current research concentrates on the design, development, and application of hydrogel-based materials.  

Prospective graduate research students with interests and past experience/training in the area of polymer physics or polymer chemistry are particularly well suited to pursue projects within the group.

Graduate students interested in doctoral or masters research projects are welcome to send inquires to Prof. Libera at

One research focus centers on creating infection-resisting self-defensive surfaces using polyelectrolyte microgels electrostatically complexed with cationic antimicrobials.  

Another research focus exploits novel methods of electron-beam lithography to create shape-shifting hydrogels from polymers such as PEG and poly(acrylic acid), among other systems.

All students in the Libera group learn and heavily use various advanced imaging methods including SEM and cryo-SEM, TEM and cryo-TEM, confocal fluorescence imaging, and scanned-probe microscopy.