

This is the Initial art direction for my next 3D game environment in Unreal engine. A dark chess inspired throne room. Eager to post the results soon.

The CHess Project

after obtaining my new 3D resin printer I wanted to start a large scale project and found inspiration in chess pieces.

The classic juxtoposition of light and dark seemed perfect for the chess board,  deciding to complete all the pieces to a simple level of detail as i did with the "Black Bishop" piece before taking the time on a final pass.

5 pieces each side gives me the opportunity to create 10 unique character designs all telling a story of their own following a clear theme, I am extremely excited to continue work on this project.

I have been recording each step of the sclutping process and will continue to record printing and painting processes also

The Black Bishop

The first step in creating my own custom chess board, starting with a necromancer base I quickly completed this concept in a day and pushed out a render before taking it to completion.

This character design ins essentially the Anti-Holyman, casting away its humanity in order to serve a more sinister power.  I look forward to expanding the lore with each piece i create in the coming months.

This is a long term project so stay tuned for future updates.



Above is the link to the live Character art bible still in progress for this charcater concept today! Please feel free to check out my work as it is being produced.

The wise old machine, born in the year 2000, has become a living relic of humanity's technological prowess and its consequences. As the centuries unfolded, he witnessed the rise and fall of nations, the dawn of new eras, and the relentless march of progress. His once-flesh-and-blood body has been replaced by a symphony of gears, circuits, and synthetic organs, a testament to the ingenuity of mankind and the limits of mortality.​

Throughout his millennia-long existence, he wandered the earth, a silent observer of life and its complexities. His travels took him to the farthest reaches of the globe, from bustling metropolises to forgotten ruins reclaimed by nature. Along the way, he gathered fragments of knowledge and wisdom, piecing together a mosaic of human history.​

But amidst the ever-changing landscape of the world, one constant remained—the relentless decay of his mechanical form. Each passing year brought new challenges as gears wore down, circuits faltered, and synthetic tissues degraded. Yet, undeterred by the inevitability of his own demise, he persisted, armed with a small collection of tools and several lifetimes to hone his mechanical craft.​

His encounters with mortals were fleeting yet profound, offering glimpses into the fragility and resilience of the human spirit. Some regarded him with awe, while others feared him as a harbinger of an uncertain future. But to those willing to listen, he shared his accumulated wisdom, offering insights forged in the crucible of time.​

As the centuries turned into millennia, the wise old machine became more than a mere relic of the past—he became a living chronicle of humanity's journey through the ages.

Character still in production.