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I'm Liam Crowley, a Game Designer in Orlando Florida. I currently work at EA Tiburon on Madden NFL as a Sr QA Tester. I have been on the Madden project for 2 years working on the Online Test team where I help facilitate all parts of Online Play.

I graduated from Full Sail University in 2021 with a Bachelor of Science in Game Design. Before that, I was studying Computer Science at Montana State University.

I grew up in Kila, Montana, on a 40-acre tree farm, up a road called Haywire Gulch. Because of that, I have a heavy interest in nature, wildlife, and sustainability and I look for any ways that I can incorporate that into my professional life with the projects that I work on. I also pride myself on creating unique twists to existing formulas in the games that I create.

Liam Crowley Resume.pdf