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A Message from Athletic Direction, Mr. Ed DeVincent (As of 9/2/20)
Below you will find information regarding the first phase of the county’s Fall Return to Play plan for athletics.
UPDATE- We will start our Fall sports non-sport specific training the week of September 14th. Coaches will be in touch with their teams asking who is interested (all voluntary) and let them know what pod they will be in. In the meantime, please register for your Fall sport on Family ID and have an updated physical as of September 14, 2020. There are about 25 percent of those registered that will need an updated physical by September 14. I have also attached the COVID waiver that all kids must bring their first day of training. 1 ccps covid 19 waiver.pdf Attention Liberty Families who were interested in Fall sports 2020 participation: I hope all is well with you and your families. I am sure that the announcement of the postponement of Fall and Winter sports was met with many emotions for our student athletes and their families. It is disappointing for all of our Fall and Winter athletes, especially our seniors. I feel your pain as not only is it my job but I also have a personal investment with my son being a 10th grader who plays sports. There is truly nothing I can say that make it any easier except I hope that the kids continue to play their sports whether that is club or rec and continue to work on their skills to be prepared when we are able to play again. These are unprecedented times we are living in right now and hopefully things will get better sooner than later. Our kids have been through a lot of adversity these past 6 months and this announcement is just another bit of adversity. I know we will get thru this and we will be stronger because of it. Even though the 2020 fall sports season has been postponed to a possible later time period, we are moving forward to being able to have coaches and interested student-athletes connect for a voluntary 2 week return to play conditioning program. That session may be followed by sports specific conditioning. We may also be able to provide voluntary programs similar to this for winter and spring sports as the fall progresses, but more details are still being formulated for all 3 sports seasons return to play programs. The things that we do know that you need to prepare for if you are interested in participating in the fall sports RTP program are:
  • Students-athletes must be registered on Family ID and have a valid physical upload. Physicals last 13 months form the doctor’s signature. We can upload the physical at school if you need help. A current CCPS physical form can be found here:
  • Students must wear a mask to and from the field and when not actively engaged.
  • Students must bring their own water bottle that is clearly marked with their name.
  • There will be no sharing of personal equipment- helmets, shin guards, mouth guards, etc.
  • Drop off and pick will occur in the parking lot area of your teams’ assigned area, loitering is not allowed in the parking lot, and carpooling is discouraged.
  • Interested students will be divided into groups/pods of no more than 20 by the coaches, and the student must stay with that group/pod for all sessions.
  • Sessions for each group/pod will occur twice a week for 90 minutes. There will be 30 minutes in between sessions in order to have the fields and parking cleared.
  • Parents and students will need to sign a COVID 19 acknowledgment form before they attend.
  • Students who are ill should stay home and not attend the sessions
Finally, we understand that this is not going to resemble or replace the 2020 fall sports as we all imagined it. However, it is at least a start to having our athletes and coaches connect in person, and begin a return to play program for both the mental and physical well-being of our student-athletes. Obviously, all of this is still a work in progress, and we will most likely need to adapt and adjust as we forge ahead. We will forward more information to you as we receive it. Please e-mail Ed DeVincent at with any questions.