Engineering Design Process 

MYP Design Process 


This is a guide to lead you through the process. It is not the final say but a guide. Each project will/should be different although many elements are mandatory such as the brief.  Also, print out the checklist (on Moodle) and refer to it throughout this process!

The IB grading rubric will state what is needed and is the ultimate guide. Refer and cross reference with it.

Final word before you begin – your clients are crucial throughout the entire design process! From looking at your brain maps, exisiting product analysis, design brief, specifications, developing ideas, prototype making, and evaluation.

They will enjoy being a part of your project and take pride in helping you. It will be a conversation piece for them!

Criterion A – Analysis of a design opportunity

Think of the design cycle as one big extended family – like your cousin in Africa and your sister in Europe. All aspects govern/drive your direction and end goal are related in someway. For example, your user and market research will lead to a deeper understanding of the design parameters (constraints & success criteria) that then will lead to the development of the design specifications which will be used to design (Crit B) and build your prototype (Crit C) that then will be evaluated against the design specifications (Crit D).


The Problem Statement

Design Brief

Design Specifications (the process)

Design Specifications.

Criterion B – Concept Modelling


The ability to feel what others are feeling.