E(i) Justifies a testing strategy to measure the success of the prototype.

A testing strategy comprises of a number of appropriate testing methods that will generate data to measure the success of a prototype.

The evidence for achievement against this strand should be presented in approximately one A4 page or the equivalent, and approximately 200 words.

E (ii) Evaluates the success of the prototype against the design specification.

Strengths and weaknesses of the prototype(s) need to be based on qualitative and quantitative data.

The evidence for achievement against this strand should be presented in approximately two A4 pages or the equivalent, and approximately 700 words.

E (iii) Demonstrates how the prototype could be improved, considering how individual improvements affect the design as a whole.

Recommendations are presented to address weaknesses identified through evaluation against the design specification.

The evidence for achievement against this strand should be presented in approximately two A4 pages or the equivalent, and approximately 250 words.