LGBTQ+ Heritage in Montgomery County
The story of Montgomery County's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ+) community is one of both struggle and celebration. Compared to nearby Washington, D.C. and Baltimore--cities with well-established resources and spaces for sexual and gender minorities--Montgomery County may appear to be a relatively unremarkable setting for LGBTQ+ life, even leading some to believe that there was no real community heritage to be found here. Nevertheless, many of the same challenges that LGBTQ+ people faced in the cities, and many of the social and political advances that activists across the country achieved, have been echoed in Montgomery County. Though incidents of homophobic discrimination and violence still occur and should not be ignored, Montgomery County is credited with some of Maryland's earliest legal protections for LGBTQ+ people.
This exhibit explores several themes in Montgomery County's LGBTQ+ history. The Law and Activism theme addresses the struggle for equal rights through a lens of three past events. The Health theme discusses the county's response to the AIDS epidemic and covers two ACT UP protests that took place here. Finally, the Community Life theme explores how LGBTQ+ people have built community in Montgomery County through festivals, organizations, and businesses.
The topics in this exhibit are primarily drawn from the late twentieth century (1970s-1990s), the time period in which our written documentation is strongest. They present representative vignettes, rather than a comprehensive inventory, of the LGBTQ+ experience here. In that regard, this exhibit can be viewed as a starting point for future work to represent Montgomery County's diverse history more fully.
Here we are using the umbrella term LGBTQ+ to refer to the broad and diverse sexual and gender minority community in the United States. The acronym specifically refers to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer people, while the plus sign references other sexual and gender identities that are not covered by the other five initials. While alternative acronyms or terms are also used to refer to this community, the term LGBTQ+ here is used with the intention of being as inclusive as possible. Click here for more information on LGBTQ+ acronyms and terminology.
Terminology surrounding the LGBTQ+ community has transformed significantly over time, and it continues to evolve today. Some labels that were commonly used by individuals and groups in the past are now considered disrespectful, while others that were once seen as derogatory have now been reclaimed. As this is a historical exhibit, outdated terms are sometimes included when their use was considered necessary, such as in quotes or in the names of organizations.